(6) “As ye have therefore receivedChrist Jesus the Lord – so Walk ye In Him. (7) Rooted and Built up In Him – and Establishedin the Faith – as ye have been taught – Abounding ThereIn with (or, more lit. “In”) Thanksgiving” [Col.2:6-7]


(11) “In Whom alsoye are Circumcised with the circumicision made without hands – In the Putting off the body of the sins of the fleshIn the Circumcision of Christ (12) Buried with HimIn BaptismWhereIn alsoye are Risen with HimthroughThe Faithof the operation of God, Who hath Raised Him from the dead.” [Col.2:11-12]


I am crucified With Christ – nevertheless I liveyet not I, but Christliveth In me – and the life which I now live In the fleshI live by the Faith of the Son of God – who loved me and gave Himself for me. (21) I do not frustrate the grace of God – for if Righteousness came by the lawthen Christ is dead In vain.” [Gal.2:20-21]

In last month’s devotional we examined the message of the Holy Spirit from Gal.2:16 – which was the fact that – the Faith that saves us is none other than the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ! Now, this month, we want to see clearly that – it is also the Faith of Christ by which we are clothed with – and by which we walk – day by day – through the deceitful darkness of this world. Hence, the first text listed above clearly states> As ye have therefore receivedChrist Jesus the Lordso Walk ye In Him. Rooted and built up In Himand EstablishedIn the Faith – as ye have been taught – Abounding ThereIn withTHANKSGIVING!” [Col.2:6-7] HALLELUJAH!!

Remember last month how we also alluded to 2Cor.13:5? How that from that text we are commanded to Examine ourselves whether we are – In the Faith”? And, the text goes on to say that we are to “prove” our own selves – “How that Jesus Christ” – is In us – “except” (or, unless) we be “reprobates”(?)! (which is a description of being the “seed of the Serpent” and not the “seed of the Savior”) [see Mt.13:37-39] This is why our obedience to 2Cor.13:5 is so important!

This all boils down to our being diligent and victorious in our battle over our own flesh! The Word of God declares plainly that our own hearts are – deceitful above all thingsand desperately wicked…” [Jer.17:9] This being true about us – what are we to do? We are no match against our own flesh – we (our very souls) are in a desperate and hopeless situation! The answer is once again found in the one and only hope – that is our Savior! Col.2:11-12> In Whom alsoye are Circumcised with the Circumcision made without handsIn Putting off the body of the sins of the fleshIn the Circumcision of Christ! (12) Buried with HimIn baptismWhereIn ye are Risen with HimThrough the Faith of the operation of GodWho hath Raised Him from the dead!” If it’s not all Christ – it’s all wrong!! Praise His Holy Name! Yes – even His Circumcisionis the Circumcision – of all the ones that God the Father has given unto God the Son (Who is the Savior Son of man – the Lord Jesus Christ).

This is why we can dogmatically say with the apostle Paul: I am crucified With Christnevertheless I liveyet not I, but Christliveth In me – and the life which I now live In the fleshI live by the Faith of the Son of God – who loved me and gave Himself for me. (21) I do not frustrate the Grace of God – for if Righteousness came by the law – then Christ is dead In vain.” [Gal.2:20-21]

And, dear ones, Christ our Wonderful Savior is absolutely notDead In Vain!” Amen.

— John Carpenter


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