by John Carpenter | Dec 11, 2022 | Miscellaneous
Well here we are — another year has grown old and passed away forever – and the beginning of a new year is right upon us. The history of the ministry of Camp Del-Haven continues to unfold. For this purpose, we continue to solicit your ever faithful prayers for our Lord’s continual provision and wise guidance and protection. Your prayers are the most valuable contribution to the sustainment and subsistence of this pure gospel endeavor.
Please remember to pray for our camper boys and girls. Pray for their protection from the Evil One – and their progress in the growth and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. And, also pray for all the young men and women that continue to commit their time and attention to be on our frontline staff. All of our prayers – in accordance with the truth of God’s Word – are what He has willed to bring to pass His perfect will and good pleasure and glory in the midst of this fallen world (see Eph. 3:18-20).
We wish to thank all of you who continue to respond with such love to our informing you of our needs for additional help in meeting the rising costs where our expenses are concerned. We continue to lift you and all your needs up before our God as well. We truly do love you – we care about you all. Let us continue to trust in our Lord – together – for all our needs! He is the faithful Savior! Amen? Amen!
Well everyone have a wonderful and soul enriching time with your families – as you honor this special time of year celebrating His coming into the history of our fallen world – to save us from our sins. Have a wonderful, wonderful Christmas!
by John Carpenter | Oct 23, 2022 | Miscellaneous
Well, dear ones, we are truly in the midst of the magnificent beauty of all the Autumn colors for sure! What a wonderful time of year it is indeed! It’s like being in God’s own cathedral of illustrious beauty – that only He can create.
Let’s not forget, dear ones, to be in earnest prayer for all of the children that were led of the Lord through our camp program this year. The situation in our society today is very volatile to say the least. Our children are being subjected to evil circumstances all around them. Circumstances whether at school – or on the playground – or even at home. Please pray that the protective presence of the Lord be with them at all times – and in all places.
And, please be in prayer for our staff members as well. They are targets for the Evil One for sure. For they have been on the front line with all the boys and girls day and night throughout the camp sessions. This enrages the enemy to no end! “We are not ignorant of his devices” (2Co.2:11). Let us pray Job 5:12 which says: “He disappointeth the devices of the crafty – so that their hands cannot perform their enterprize.” God-willing this will take place throughout our land entirely – all for God’s glory and honor!
We want to thank you all for being faithful to pray for us – and to continue to support us in this uncertain time. Your prayerful support is so much appreciated…we thank our Lord God for all of you! May God richly bless all of you.
by John Carpenter | Aug 21, 2022 | Miscellaneous
Well, dear ones, our 2022 camp season – while being a victorious blessing in its beginning and throughout five separate sessions – we regret to report that our last scheduled camp session had to be cancelled due to COVID. It is my earnest prayer that our sovereign, all governing Lord would completely erase this narrative entirely from our providential circumstances! May He be pleased to bring this to pass.
It was an older (9 to 12 yr. old) boys camp that fell victim to this scenario…and we are attempting to schedule a weekend retreat early this fall for those who could not come to camp this first week in August. Please pray with us that – if the Lord wills – this, too, will come to pass. But, praise His Name, there is nothing that can negate the reality of what our God has accomplished by His grace in this restoration of our regular camp sessions! Praise the Savior! And, thank you faithful, prayerful supporters for being used of the Lord in making this a reality! We love you all!
We implore you all to continue to pray for the ministry of Camp Del-Haven. The enemy is ever on the prowl and ready to disrupt, distract, deceive and destroy. Nevertheless, our Savior has already overcome and defeated him and his whole evil world of wickedness! This is what we true children of God must not forget. The Christ of God – is our all in all. He is our Strength – our Shield – our Fortress – our Rock – our Deliverer – and the Horn of our Eternal Salvation! When we call upon the Lord – we shall be saved from all our enemies. [see: Ps.18:1-3] It’s as pure and simple as that! “When I cry unto thee – then shall mine enemies turn back – this I know for God is for me.” [Ps.56:9] And, “If God be for us – who can be against us?” [Ro.8:31] He is worthy of all our trust. We continually thank and praise the Lord for all your prayers and support.
by John Carpenter | Apr 18, 2022 | Miscellaneous
Well dear ones we are moving closer and closer to holding – once again – regular camp sessions at Del-Haven – Praise the Lord! We are seeing the signs of the Lord – the Holy Spirit’s moving in that direction. Two different groups are coming out this weekend to help us get repairs done on the camp buildings – and also to help us clean up the campground for having camps. Once again, Praise the Lord! Please pray that these things get done safely and completely.
Also, the following is our 2022 camp schedule so that you may continue to pray us through our whole season:
June 6-8 Staff Training
June 13 – 16 6 to 8 yr. old boys and girls
June 20 – 23 9 to 12yr. old girls
June 27 – 30 9 to 12yr. old boys
July 11 – 14 9 to 12yr. old girls
July 18 – 21 6 to 8 yr. old boys and girls
Aug. 01 – 04 9 to 12 yr. old boys
The Lord has also met the need of our getting our trash picked up – Praise His Name! The only thing is – it is going cost us almost twice as much. Please pray with us where meeting the camp expenses is concerned. His coffers are never exhausted!
Dear ones, even though we will once again have our trash picked up – we still need for someone with earth moving equipment to come out and help us get our trash dump and burning pit redug, renewed and expanded. So, in all your praying for our needs – please put this on your list as well. Thank you…we love you.
by John Carpenter | Apr 18, 2022 | Miscellaneous
(2)“For the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus – hath made me free from – the law of sin and death.(3)For what the law could not do – in that it was weak through the flesh – God – sending His own Son – in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh. (4) That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us – who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” [Ro.8:2-4]
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth – that shall he also reap! (8) For he that soweth to his flesh – shall of the flesh reap corruption – but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap Life Everlasting!” [Gal.6:7-8]
Before we finish our perusal of these two texts – let’s look a little bit at what it means to “walk after the Spirit” and to “sow to the Spirit”. Why? Even because it is the result of doing these things that we “reap Life Everlasting”.
First of all, we know that “walking” and “sowing” after the flesh is a purely Carnal enterprise that reaps only corruption, or spontaneous decay. And, “walking” and “sowing” after the Spirit is actually being led through this world by the Holy Spirit of God. Ro.8:14 tells us that “…as many as are led by the Spirit of God – they are the sons [or, the children] of God.
From 1Cor.2:14-15 we see the “flesh” and the “Spirit” accurately described and contrasted: (14)“But the Natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God – for they are foolishness unto him – neither can he know them, for they are spiritually discerned. (15) But he that is Spiritual discerneth all things – yet he, himself, is discerned of no man.” The “Natural man” is, in essence, a Carnal man. He is of the flesh. He is definitively unregenerate and spiritually dead! Ro.8:5-6 also contrasts the flesh and the Spirit by this more complete description. It says: “For they that are after the flesh – do mind the things of the flesh – but they that are after the Spirit – the things of the Spirit. (6) For to be Carnally minded is death – but to be Spiritually minded is life and peace.”
So, we are not at all addressing something insignificant and unimportant! What we are looking at literally defines us – as to whether or not, we are genuinely born from above and truly quickened by the Holy Spirit into being true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ! God’s Word clearly says from Ga.5:16: “I say then, Walk in the Spirit – and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh!” There’s no other way – except by the Holy Spirit — to keep from sowing and following the dictates of our fallen-in-sin flesh.
But, what then is it to “Sow to the Spirit”?
It is indeed to follow the words and dictates of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus says from Jn.6:63: “The flesh profits nothing! It is the Spirit that quickens! The Words that I say unto you – they are Spirit and they are Life! And, remember, it is the Holy Spirit of Christ (our God) that has inspired the whole Bible! Lk.18:1 says: “And He spake a parable unto them – that men ought always [meaning: “at every when” and “at all times”] to pray, and not to faint.” Does not this echo 1Thess.5:17 which says: “Pray without ceasing.” Also, this exhortation is in the midst of vs.14-22 which verses encourage us to live according to the workings of the Will of God. Read it! All of which is the practice of “Sowing to the Spirit”…from which we’re assured by the Spirit of God to “reap Life Everlasting”.
For Christ’s Glory Only! – John Carpenter
by John Carpenter | Mar 15, 2022 | Miscellaneous
Well, dear ones, we are beginning once again on another new camp season here at Del-Haven. Please keep urgently praying with us that we have no problem(s) in going forward with having regular camp sessions. Sheri consistently has inquiries from some children in regard to exactly this! We have been working hard at getting the campground cleaned up and ready regular camps as well. Please pray that our Lord and Savior will open the door and lead the way for His choice as to what children He will send – and as to whom will be willing to help out on our Staff (both male and female).
We will once again be having regular Saturday Work Days – beginning in April – and running all the way to Saturday the 4th of June. That being the case, of course, we will be happy to accommodate anyone, or any group, that can come out at any time to help us get the buildings and grounds fit and ready for camp. Just give us an advance call…our number is at the top of the previous page.
Also, we have lost our regular connection to a Van rental company. So, if any of you know of any Church or person that can help us with transportation of children – to and from camp sessions – please let us know. Our camps begin on Monday morning and end on Thursday afternoon. We have the Monday morning pickup at 10 AM and the Thursday drop off at 2 PM. We typically have camps beginning the 3rd week of June (Mon. through Thurs.) every week except the week of the 4th of July. This means we could fit 6 camps in by the end of July. If any person or church could help us with transporting children on any of those Mondays or Thursdays – that would be wonderful! Please pray with us for the meeting of this need. Thank you.
To put it mildly – We are excited at the prospects of being able to have regular camp sessions once again! If things work out to this end – you just might hear a very hardy Praise to the Lord(!) coming from the area of Lone Jack, MO!