Beloved, we are gearing up for another summer of having whole families frequenting the Del-Haven Camp facilities – both parents and children – to experience what goes on throughout a whole week of camp! Jeff Hall sent out an initial email to all the families that we have on record. To this we received an immediate positive reply from the group. Jeff simply said that we are planning to do this same format that we did last year – and that we will follow up in early June with more details as to what days and times there will be available from which to choose when they would like to come. Needless to say we were encouraged by the quick responses. Please be in prayer with us that the Lord will abundantly bless us in ministering to these folks – and bring glory to His Name!
These uncertain times are rife with oppressive inflation and difficult adverse circumstances. The enemy is very active in our world – as I am sure you all well know. We need much prayerful support! Thank you – one and all – for your continuing to stand with us in seeking the Almighty Arm and provision of our Lord God – in His leading us forward in our evangelistic endeavors! Our God is still in control – and He continues to make His divine presence to be realized among us. This is what comforts us and motivates us – to keep on keeping on – in preaching His Word! We thank and praise Him for you! We love and we pray for you, too!
We still have considerable work to do in preparing the campground. All the rain has not given us much of a chance to get ahead of a lot of the things that we need to do. Please pray that we can accomplish these tasks and be ready to meet all the challenges of effectually communicating –
“the Word of the Truth of the Gospel”. [Col.1:5]