(17) “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ – the Father of glory – may give you the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation – in the Knowledge of Him: (18) the eyes of your understanding being enlightened – that ye may know what is the Hope of His calling – and what (are) the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints; (19) And what is the exceeding greatness of His Power to us—ward – who Believeaccording to the working of His Power – (20) which He wrought in Christ – when He raised Him from the dead – and set Him at His own right hand – in the heavenly places(!);(21) Far above all principality and power and might and dominion – and every name that is named, not only in this world – but also in that which is to come(!): (22) And hath put all things under His feet – and gave Him to be the Head over all things to the Church – (23) Which is His body – the fulness of Him – that filleth all in all!” [Eph.1:17-23]

This is the capstone text to what was presented last month titled as – “Celebrating Our Lord’s Resurrection”. The context of this very section of holy scripture is what the apostle Paul declares as being that which – he specifically prays for – where the Ephesian believers are concerned. Paul supplicates God – the Father of glory – to graciously give unto them – the Holy Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in (lit.) the Full Knowledgeof the Lord Jesus Christ! (see: 1Ti.2:3-4) Who has quickened and opened the eyes of their spiritual understanding – enlightening them to know what is the Hope of His Holy calling into their eternal salvation! All of this constitutes – the riches of the glory of His inheritance of grace in all of His saints. Praise His Name! And this – he is inspired to declare – is the exceeding greatness of His Power unto all of us – who truly and genuinely – Savingly Believe in Him!

In fact, what is revealed here is also – the profound truth that –  it is He who owns and bestows upon all His eternally saved onesthe Power to Repent and Believe on Christ! Repenting and Believing on our Lord Jesus Christ – is Not an exercise that we are capable of performing! No! That, too, all comes from God – alone! And, this wonderful text declares it to have all been completely worked out by God – for us – when – by the glory of God the Father – He raised up Christ Jesus from among the dead! (see: Ro.6:4) The same Omnipotent Power – that God the Father wrought upon His Son – our Substitute/Savior – when He gloriously raised Him up from being among the dead – and set Him at His own right hand in heavenly places – that same almighty Power – is what He blesses us with – in order to cause us to truly Believe in His Savior Son – so as to be Eternally Saved-by-His grace! All praise unto the wonderful Word of His Grace!

This is why the apostle Paul was inspired to write unto the Galatians – in Ga.2:16 – these words: knowing that a man is not justified (lit.) out of performingthe works of the lawbut through the Faith of Jesus Christeven we (the apostles) have believed into Jesus Christthat we might be justifiedout of the faith of Christand not out of the works of the law…”!

Hence – does Paul go on to inspiringly explain in no uncertain terms – what he says from vs.20:

I have been crucifiedwith Christnevertheless I live (here again, is a reference to the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus) yet not Ibut Christliveth in me: and the life which I now live in the fleshI live (lit.) In the faith of the Son of Godwho loved me and gave Himself for me!”

Gal.3:26 dogmatically declares: For ye are all the children of God (lit.) through faith in Christ Jesus!” Let us praise and glorify Him…Forever!!

— John Carpenter


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