The first thing I want to personally express is my thanks to my heavenly Father for all of you who have prayed for me – and my recovery from being in the hospital for nine days and out of commission physically for practically all of July and half of August. It’s not even clear just what exactly happened to me – symptoms seemed to indicate a urinary tract infection, however, I never experienced the typical burning sensation that generally goes along with that. Then a test result came back that indicated that I had a tick borne illness. At any rate, my malady kept me out of normal camp activities and on your prayer lists…and I seem to be getting back to my usual level of healthy energy. Praise the Lord!

We wanted to share a very sweet letter that my wife, Theresa received from a little girl that was scheduled to come out with her family once again this year. Here name is Marah, and this is what she wrote:

Dear Mrs. Theresa,


It’s me, Marah. I went to camp 2 years ago. We miss going to camp this year, anyway, I hope your family gets better. The Lord is keeping you guys in His hands and watching over you. I pray He heals everyone that is sick or hurt.


Sincerely, Marah

Is this not a spontaneous and insightful and sweet message to be coming from an 8 year old little girl? At the top of this page is a photo taken of Marah (on the right) from last year when she was out here for a Family Day At Camp. Let’s keep little Marah (and her whole family) in our prayers. It is so wonderful that our sovereign Lord allows us to receive these little indications that He is still leading and blessing His work here at Del-Haven. Praise the Almighty Sovereign Savior!!

We thank Him for all of you who continue to prayerfully support the ministry here – especially in these extremely inflated economical times. We must not forget that our God is in control and He will never forsake us! Please continue to pray for us in regards to building another staff – and we will continue to pray for you. We love you. John Carpenter


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