“Knowing that a man is not Justified — by the works of the law – but – by the Faith of Jesus Christ – even we have believed in Jesus Christ that we might be Justified by the Faith of Christ – and not by the works of the law. For by the works of the law – shall no Flesh be Justified!” [Gal.2:16]


(6) “As ye have therefore received – Christ Jesus the Lord – so walk ye in Him. (7) Rooted and built up in Him – and established – in the Faith – as ye have been taught…” [Col.2:6-7]


(11) “In whom also – ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands – in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ – (12) Buried with Him – in baptism – wherein also – ye are risen with Him – through the Faith of the operation of God – who hath raised Him from the dead.” [Col.2:11-12]

What makes a person a true believerin Jesus Christ? This is not a trick question by any means!

Knowing” – the very first word of Gal.2:16 shown above – is a Holy Spirit inspired word that tells us a fact that is dogmatically known and understood. And, that fact which we all must absolutely agree with is the absolute truth that every human being – in this fallen-in-sin world – is not justified (or declared sinlessly righteous by Holy God) by (or more literally out of) the works of the law.” No, not at all! All of us fallen-in-sin sinners – wherever we’re from – or wherever we are – are justified and declared by Holy God as being sinlessly righteous – by the only way that any sinner can be justified – and that’s by (or more literally through) “the Faith of Jesus Christ.” It’s His faith that we receive by grace from Him – that causes us to believe in Him. And then the apostle Paul goes on and declares more boldly – when he says – even WE have believed (meaning himself and all the brethren which are with him in writing this letter unto them – they all – he says – have entered into being believers) in Jesus Christ. And then he states dogmatically Why – he and they have entered into the company of true believers in Jesus Christ – it is in order that they might be justified by (or out of) the Faith of Christ and not out of the works of the law; for out of the works of the law shall no flesh (i.e. no fallen-in-sin flesh – of which we all have) be justified”! {Note: By more accurately translating the prepositions – one truly helps to clarify the real message of Gal.2:16}.

This touches on a point that really needs to be emphasized. The Faith that saves – needs to be awakened and quickened and nurtured and strengthened by the Holy Spirit in us! Heb.12:2 tells us that Jesus is the author and finisher of our Faith – and that’s because – our Faith is His Faith – which, by His grace, He has given and awakened and quickened into Action inside Us! His Faith is – the Faith that God reckons, or imputes Christ’s righteousness unto us – so that His righteousness becomes – our righteousness. (just like He did unto Abraham; see Rom.4:3-5). 2Co.13:5 commands us to constantly be examining ourselves. How? By the Holy Spirit and the Word of God – in order to see whether or not – we are trulyin the Faith”! We must be diligent to do just that!

Since we have embarked on this particular subject – there is so much more that is gloriously connected with understanding our truly believing in the Lord Jesus Christ – that we will be addressing more of what the above scriptural context has to deliver.

All of this – once again – underscores the fact that where our eternal salvation is concerned – If it’s not all (out of) Christ Jesus (His person and work entirely) – It’s all wrong! Praise His Name! — John Carpenter

“But without Faith it is impossible to please Him. For he that cometh to God – must believe that He is – and He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.


By Faith Noah – being warned of God of things not seen as yet – moved with fear – prepared an Ark to the saving of his house – by the which he condemned the world – and became heir of the righteousness which is by Faith.” Hebrews 11:6-7


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