“For there is one God — and one Mediator — between God and men — the man Christ Jesus; (6) who gave Himself a ransom for all — to be testified in due time.” “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood — He also Himself, likewise, took part of the same — that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death — that is, the devil; (15) and deliver them who — through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. (16) For verily He took not on Him the nature of angels — but He took on Him the seed of Abraham.” 1Ti.2:5-6; He.2:14-16
The first text of our chosen devotional scripture comes right off the sacred page from the greater context that leads up to — and that follows immediately after it. It is a statement of factual conclusion that is arrived at by virtue of a previous premise that is so plainly and clearly laid down from vs.3-4 : “For this is good and acceptable — in the sight of God, our Savior — who will have all men to be saved — and come unto the knowledge of the truth”. These two verses are also given as a conclusion that pertains to why the Holy Spirit through the apostle exhorts, or encourages, us to pray for all ranks of men in authority over us in this world so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life (vs.1-2). The reason being that we are to pray for them that rule over us — is simply because our sovereign God has even some of them among His eternally elect unto salvation! And, as is the case with all His saved ones, they, too, if saved, will be led unto a full knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus (Eph.4:21).
And, what is the substance of the truth that we all by God’s will and grace through the leading of the Holy Spirit will of a certainty come to truly believe? It is the truth that concerns specifically the Lord Jesus Christ being the one and only God/man and Mediator between us saved sinners and God. Praise His Name! You see — it is Him and Him alone — who has been, from eternity, incarnated into the human race as eternal God‘s, only begotten and beloved Son and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ!
The Hebrews text, above, declares descriptively the details of this wonderful truth. To save all who are among His chosen children — throughout our fallen into sin human history — He was sent into our world to die; and through His death He perfectly accomplished two things. He destroyed the person and work of the devil — and He delivered us from our sin and Satan’s control over us! Bless the Lord God!
He did this grand work of eternally saving us — by becoming a partaker of flesh and blood — just like us — and being the promised “seed” of Ge.3:15. This singular Seed was prophetically confirmed to be incarnated – in the promised “Seed of Abraham” – concerning whom the Holy Spirit through the apostle John wrote when he declared: “For this purpose — the Son of God was manifested (or, revealed) — that He might destroy (or, lit., undo) — the works of the devil!” 1Jn.3:8 Let us rejoice together in our Lord as we reflect upon the full knowledge of this glorious gospel truth (Ac.13:33; 2Jn.3).
– For Christ’s Glory Only!
John Carpenter