We are one month away from the kick-off of the 2012 Del-Haven camp season! There are still a couple of work Saturdays left — to get a few loose ends met. Your prayers are needed very much for us to get everything ready. We have received one response from you all regarding our need for two refrigerators. Praise the Lord for that one! But, we still need one more. If anyone knows of someone, or something — somewhere — that can help us — the Lord be praised — we will greatly appreciate it.
Also, we thank our God and Savior for all of you who have helped us meet the need that we have for mattresses. We can now replace 19 of the 32! That’s just great!
Praise the Savior — funds keep coming in earmarked to help us retire the debt we owe for the renovations we had to have done on the lake campground. By God’s grace, we are making head way.
You are welcome to visit the camp anytime. Please call 816-690-8465 to make arrangements to have the security gate opened at the bottom of the driveway.