“My brethren, count it all joy — when ye fall into divers temptations! Jas.1:2-4
“Fear not — for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy — which shall be to all people. For unto you is born — this day — in the city of David — a Savior — which is Christ the Lord!” Lk.2:10-11
When we are born from above and regenerated — it is by an act of the Holy Spirit of grace — revealing and uncovering the Word of God unto our hearts — in genuine life quickening spiritual understanding of who Christ is. Jesus is actually born again and anew in us — and as a result — we are made entirely anew as well! And, then suddenly we discover that we can relate with everyone else — to whom this has also occurred. We become “brethren” — siblings together — born of God in the Lord Jesus Christ — who is the manifestation of the great Triumvirate in human form. From the verse one — James refers to himself as literally — the “bond-slave” of God and Jesus. We, too, become fellow yoke-wearers (Mt.11:29-30) in Christ (Ro.6:22).
“Count it all joy” — says the Spirit through James. This means, in essence, to let this Godly way of thinking — command leadership over your whole being — especially when you fall into various trials. Consider the seasons of troubling providence to be that which God has promised to work toward conforming and transforming you into the good and glorious image of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. For remember, dear one, this is God’s destiny — for all of His true children! [Ro.8:28-30]
When our holy Lord was born into this fallen world — He was born into the unavoidable aspects of a troubled, oppressive existence of life and times where sin and death surrounded Him — and yet He triumphed over both. And, when Christ is born again in us who are still in this same fallen place — we suddenly see and learn that sin-infected and spawned circumstances — also surround us on all sides. We learn quickly that there is — by the flesh in this world — no escape from the distress that accompanies our sinful situation. But, we also learn from He — whose yoke we now wear — that as our sovereign Savior — He is the way of escape! [1Co.10:13]
With the glory of the living Christ revealed to be in us — in our new hearts — and our regenerated minds — we are thereby encouraged and strengthened by His might. [Phil.4:11-13] And, because He has overcome the world — we then can and will count all the times and types of our trial with “all joy”. [Jn.16:33] This is because Christ our Lord has been born in us — and we have been — in eternity — placed in Him by His grace. [Eph.1:3-6] For we know that trials — just like years, months, weeks, days and hours — will, ultimately, all just pass away! [Mt.24:35]
Our troubled times [2Co.4:8] are — by God’s divine design — destined to display and disclose our unavoidable conformation unto the image of our Lord Jesus Christ!
For Christ’s Glory Only –
John Carpenter