“And I will put enmity between thee — and (lit.) between the woman — and between thy seed — and (lit.) between her seed! He shall bruise thy head — and thou shalt bruise His heel.” Ge.3:15
“Therefore, the Lord, Himself, shall give you a sign — the virgin shall conceive — and bear a Son — and shall call His name — Immanuel!” Is.7:14
“Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise — (lit.) For as His mother, Mary, was espoused to Joseph — before they came together — she was found with child of the Holy Ghost!” Mt.1:18
“Now all this was done — that it might be fulfilled which was spoken (lit.) by the Lord through the prophet, saying: (23) ‘Behold — a virgin shall be with child — and shall bring forth a Son — and they shall call His name, Immanuel!’ Which being interpreted is: God with us.” Mt.1:22-23
What is it — really — that true believing Christians celebrate at this time of year? The true celebration of Christmas — is a celebration of the history of the eternal reality of the incarnation into the fallen human race — of the eternal Son and Christ of God! It is a celebration of the divine and loving provision of God — of an eternal propitiation and substitute — for all of His lost and sinful children! And, only a loving and gracious God could make such a provision.
The elect and holy angels of God appeared — or, revealed — themselves unto the shepherds and were heard by them to declare: “Glory to God in the highest — and on earth — Peace — good will toward [Or, lit., “in and among”] men.” Lk.2:14
They declared on this trial ridden, tumultuous earth — peace — because He who is called the “Prince of peace” Is.9:6 had finally arrived. He had arrived to ultimately fulfill the eternal purpose and decree of God to provide — through His life and death and resurrection — everlasting peace — between God and all those that He has loved and saved throughout the history of fallen humanity!
There is no peace in this world. Jesus said that in this world we will have trial and tribulation. But, there is an eternally accomplished peace — in Christ — the one and only God/man! A peace that transcends time and eternally exists between holy God and all those that intimately are a part of that which the Bible refers to as His Bride — His Building — His true Church! Praise His Name!
We celebrate the birth of Christ — even because we who are saved realize the He, Jesus, is our peace! Eph.2:14 He, by Himself, as our eternal Savior and Surety — has eternally secured a completely wrought out standing of peace with God — for us.
He brought with His coming a loving reconciliation with God — so that nothing but God’s good will would be realized in and among us — to the glory of His great grace.
May all of us here at Del-Haven wish all of you who receive and read this newsletter — a very wonderful and joyous Christmas celebration!
For Christ’s Glory Only!
John Carpenter