“Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the Dayspring from on high hath visited us, (79) to give Light to them that sit in darkness – and – in the shadow of death – to guide our feet into the Way of Peace.” [Lk.1:78-79]
We are continuing with our examination of these two final Holy Spirit inspired statements of old Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist – the prophet/forerunner of the earthly ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ – the only sovereign Savior/Substitute that there ever was, is, or ever will be! He is “the Dayspring from on high” who “hath visited us”. And, this visitation is referring to what the religious world around us celebrates at this precise time of the year – Christmas!
There is nothing about this particular extraordinary event in our history that took God by surprise. No – that is impossible to do! He planned, purposed and decreed every detail concerning the circumstances of the birth of John the Baptist through the barren Elizabeth and the old priest, Zacharias. In like manner, He planned, purposed and decreed the birth of Christ Jesus through the virgin Mary. This event marks the wonderful, marvelous, gracious, spiritual dawning — that literally takes us from the blackest part of the spiritual night that encompasses this lost and fallen world – and unfolds and reveals unto all those that God the Father has given to God the Son (see Jn.6:37) the beautiful and blessed Light of the gospel of the glory, only, of Christ Jesus, the eternal Savior! (see 2Co.4:3-6)
We all sit in the darkness of “the shadow of death” – which is the everyday environment that exists all around us within this ever constant passing-away-world. Here we sit until our individual and personal divinely covenanted and appointed time that God’s everlasting love finds us…and gives life unto our souls (see the scriptural descriptions of 1Jn.2:17 and Eze.16:4-8). This marks the divine quickening of the Holy Spirit of God that we all desperately need in order to be saved. Note the words of Jesus, Himself, from Jn.6:63> “It is the Spirit that quickeneth – the flesh profiteth nothing! The Words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.” [see also Jn.6:64-71]
The reality is this: God — who has brought to pass the eternally covenanted and accomplished incarnation of the eternal Son of God into the likeness of fallen human flesh – through His doing this – He has accomplished the absolute greatest miracle that He has ever done! Ps.115:2-3 descriptively declares: “Wherefore should the heathen say, Where is now their God? (3) But our God is in the heavens – He hath done whatsoever He hath pleased!” And, once again – from Ps.135:6 it says: “Whatsoever the Lord pleased – that did He in heaven – and in earth, in the seas, and all the deep places.” These texts dogmatically declare that God has done – He has absolutely accomplished all things — just as He pleases! That’s — in all of time — past, present, and future – and — in all of eternity! Praise His Sovereign, Almighty Name.
The gospel truth concerning Christ’s eternally atoning sacrifice is descriptively declared from Is.53:10. It says: “…it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He hath put Him to grief; when thou shalt make His soul and offering for sin, He shall see His seed – He shall prolong His days – and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in His hand.” This is the substance of pure gospel preaching. And, 1Co.1:21 says: “…it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching (see 1Co.1:18) to save them that believe!” This is what constitutes the real eternal purpose of the birth of Christ.
For Christ’s Glory Only! – John Carpenter