“Now ye are clean — through the Word which I have spoken unto you. (4) Abide in me, and I in you. According as the branch cannot bear fruit from itself — except it abide in the vine — no more can ye — except ye abide in me. (5) I am the vine. Ye are the branches. He that abideth in me — and I in him — the same bringeth forth much fruit! For without me [or, lit., apart from me] — ye can do nothing!” Jn.15:3-5
Religion without a real confession concerning the glory of the totally accomplished work of Christ — is, indeed, a dangerous thing! For it tends — in the end — to only flatter people by leading them — in a self righteous way — to think, or imagine — that they can do something without Christ.
Jas.1:21-22 tells us what we need cleansing from: “Wherefore, lay apart [or, put off] all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness — and receive with meekness the engrafted Word [or, the implanted word] — which is able to save your souls. (22) [lit.] But keep on becoming doers of the Word and not hearers only — deceiving your (own) selves!”
It isn’t that we don’t do anything — but that we don’t do anything according to our own fallen flesh! The Spirit of Christ and the Word of God dwells down inside of us and ever works to transform us into the image of the Lord Jesus Christ! Praise His Name! We, indeed, “have this treasure in earthen vessels — that the excellency of the power may be of God — and not of us!” So to be a true “doer” of the Word — is the same thing as saying “the Word” [which is Christ] does it all. There is no darkness, nor deception, where this pure truth is concerned!
The enemies of the truth spend all their time and effort in obfuscating this divine principle of grace. It is the way of the world to sow thorny weeds in the same place — the same heart — that the Word of gospel truth is implanted. The thorns, you remember, serve to choke the word to death…so it will not bear any lasting fruit. The lust of the flesh of fallen human reasoning may, indeed, receive the implanted Word with joy — but, alas, it has no real root to be able to endure the hot affliction that will, of a certainty, come upon it because of the Word. It, too, in the end — brings forth no real fruit. And, Satan — works day and night to blind the mind — so that it cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. And, as the Word says: “But if — our gospel be hid — it is hid in them that are lost”.
But — praise the Lord — for the revelation of Himself that He — is the Light of the world! And, also the scripture from Ep.5:8 that describes: “For ye were sometimes darkness — but now are ye light in the Lord! Walk as children of Light!” Oh, yes — Ps.119:105 says: “Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet — and a light unto my path.” Also, vs.130 tells us: “The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.” Praise the Lord for His Word and His Spirit and what they have done!
For Christ’s Glory Only!
John Carpenter