“I will direct their work in truth and I will make an everlasting covenant with them.” “Lead me in thy truth and teach me; for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.” “For this is good and acceptable unto God our Savior, who will have all men to be saved and come unto a knowledge of the truth.” [Is.61:8; Ps.25:5; 1Ti.2:3-4]
Our Lord and Savior, who is the incarnated eternal Son of God, proclaimed of Himself that He is, “the Way, the Truth and the Life, and that “no man can come unto the Father, but through Him”. When the Spirit of Christ, Himself, speaks this truth to your heart, then, and only then, do you know without a doubt that it is indeed the truth! This marks our beginning in true Christianity. From this point forward – do we then realize in our lives what the above texts are descriptively declaring.
God first reveals us to ourselves and allows us to see the awful plight we are in as being the sinners that we truly are. We come to the end of ourselves in that bright all penetrating light. We see that we have no hope in ourselves to be able to save ourselves. We come to desperately see that we need another! This is the grace of repentance that the Spirit of God bestowes upon us. Then the Spirit of the Father reveals to our hearts the wonderful person and work of His beloved eternal Son. And, through His Spirit — and through His Word – He teaches us that He, and He alone, is our Savior. We wholeheartedly put all our trust in Him for our eternal salvation. This is the grace of faith that the Spirit of God works in us and through us. Praise His Name! We see by His Spirit of grace that we need another, and we see, by His grace that there is no other – but our sovereign Savior, Jesus Christ! He, indeed, is the only Way – He, indeed, is the only Truth – and He, indeed, is the only Way to the eternal Life that He, alone, is. “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”– all glory to Him! The only Way to eternal Life is through the Truth concerning Him as being the only sovereign Savior substitute that there ever was, is, or ever will be!
The “Everlasting Covenant” that is mentioned in the Is.61 text above is the covenant that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit cut among themselves in eternity. This is what is commonly called, “The Covenant of Grace”; and this is what’s known as “The New Covenant.” It is in the fulfillment of this covenant when God the Father divinely purposed and decreed to send God the Son to become incarnated into the likeness of our sinful flesh and be our Savior and Messiah. It is in the fulfillment of this covenant that the Father and the Son sent the Holy Spirit to quicken us by a revelation of the reality of our having been placed in Christ from eternity. He then seals us to Christ and directs and leads through this fallen world and on into heaven – the eternal abiding place of the full effulgence of His glory!
This same covenant is also mentioned in Ps.25:10,14: “All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep His covenant and His testimonies.” “The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him – and He will show them His covenant.” It is revealing texts like these that form the context for that which 2Tim.2:19 descriptively declares when it says that: “…the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal: The Lord knoweth them that are His! And, let everyone that nameth the name of Christ – depart from iniquity!” All three persons of the eternal Godhead are here mentioned. This comes forward as a profound credal statement of saving truth.
It is from this Truth (which is Christ, Himself) that we are taught and directed; by which we are led and guided; in which we are rooted and established. We grow in God’s grace given knowledge and understanding – according to His good pleasure – unto the glory, only, of Christ Jesus.
-For Christ’s Glory Only!
John Carpenter