“Be strong and courageous — be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria — nor for all the multitude that is with him — for there be more with us than with him! (8) With him is an arm of flesh — but with us is the Lord our God — to help us and to fight our battles. And the people rested themselves upon the words of Hezekiah, king of Judah.” 2Chr.32:7-8
These are the words that Hezekiah spoke unto the people of Jerusalem when king Sennacherib and the Assyrians had come and surrounded the city and demanded that they surrender, or die. It was, however, 185,000 of them that died instead — overnight — by just one angel of the Lord!
This incident occurred right after Hezekiah had done such good for the nation of Judah. 2Chr.31:20-21 describes: “And thus did Hezekiah throughout all Judah — and wrought that which was good and right and truth before the Lord his God. (21) And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God and in the law and in the commandments — to seek his God — he did it — with all His heart — and prospered!”
There is so much here to encourage our hearts — is there not? No matter what the outlook is — or, the odds are — that are against us — when the Lord our God is with us there is no enemy nor weapon that is formed by the flesh that can prosper! There is no government — nor principality — nor power that can prevail over us! Ps.34:7 says that, “The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him — and delivereth them.”
A true child of God will always be in prayer — seeking the Lord his God — that He will go before them — in everything — in this world! “In all thy ways acknowledge Him — and He shall direct thy paths” — “Pray without ceasing”– “Men ought always to pray — and not to faint”. And, isn’t it wonderful that we do not need to have to always go to our special place of prayerful worship and devotion in order to petition from the Lord — His leading? No — His almighty throne of grace — from where He rules and reigns over us — is immediately available to us — whenever we call — from wherever we are. God’s eternal presence goes with us! This means that God’s power goes with us — and God’s peace goes with us — and God’s prevailing grace goes with us! The blood paved way to the throne of grace is always available — is always to us accessible. That is — to the true children of God. He has eternally willed and made this to be the way that it is. Praise His Great Name!
So, as another new year in this old world overtakes us — let us be mindful of God’s great and wonderful never failing faithfulness. Yes — in this world we will have trials and tribulation — but that’s ok — because Jesus in no uncertain terms tells us that He has fought for us — and has overcome the world! On this truth — spoken by He, who is the Truth — we can rest.
-For Christ’s Glory Only!
John Carpenter