“Men ought always to pray and not to faint.” [Lk.18:1]
“Pray without ceasing.” “Brethren, pray for us.” [1Th.5:17,25]
“Continue in prayer; watch in the same with thanksgiving; (3) withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance to speak the mystery of Christ… (4) that I may make it manifest as I ought to speak.” [Col.4:2-4]
The Word of God contains many texts that contain descriptive phrases of the general way that things should be for any and every true Christian existing or living in this fallen and cursed world. The three texts above are examples of this.
The first of which comes to us directly from the lips of the person and being of the incarnated eternal Son of God, Himself. He issued this specifically to His disciples. The general plural term for man is not used. Therefore, He is really saying this unto any one of His true disciples that it behooves them to always be making the noun “prayer” into an active verb — and not to become weary of doing this in the troubled environment of this fallen and cursed world!
The second text comes to us from the Holy Spirit inspired pen of the apostle Paul. This phrase is included among a whole list of descriptive mandates and exhortations for true believers to follow in their daily walk by faith through this sinful world. And, it is important to also note that both of these texts are urging for prayer to be practiced in a broader way than when we worship in private. This text is not suggesting that we drop to our knees and pray at all times, but that when we walk in the Spirit, He will make us mindful of our sovereign Lord even when we find ourselves in the immediate presence of worldly trails and circumstances that we face in this world every day. We have a blood paved path via the eternally accomplished atonement of our Savior, Christ Jesus, that has consecrated for us access at any time into the very throne room of Almighty God! Praise and glory unto our Savior!
The third text is a more pointed and focused exhortation for us to ever be mindful that we need to be engaged in prayerfully seeking from our sovereign, all governing Savior and Lord that He ever be faithful to lead us into viable opportunities to proclaim the pure gospel unto this lost and perishing world all around us. This is the kind of praying that we here at Camp Del-Haven continually covet from all of you. This kind of praying — we hope and pray takes place when you gather together in church, or in groups of yourselves for genuine Christian fellowship. This is true even though in this Colossians context it is encouraged by the Holy Spirit inspired apostle (in regards to his particular ministry) to be performed, as he says, “withal”, or, “at the same time” that he commands them to earnestly persevere in the holy habit of prayer. The apostle, by the Holy Spirit, is seeking prayerful support for his continued perseverance in presenting the gospel of the glory, only, of Christ. And, this is what we desire from all of you — more than anything else.
For Christ’s Glory Only
-John Carpenter