“Great is the Lord — and greatly to be praised — in the city of our God — in the mountain of His holiness!(2) Beautiful (lit.) on high — the joy of the whole earth is mount Zion — on the sides of the north — the city — of our great King!” Ps.48:1-2
The first phrase of this Psalm — actually — explicitly — ascribes greatness (in magnitude of importance and glory) to the eternal Lord, as having been manifested to be none other than our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, He is to be greatly (or, exceedingly and abundantly) praised! Therefore, He is the great King — of all kings!
And, truly our Lord is great! He is the great Shepherd of His sheep! Who through the blood of the Everlasting Covenant– His own shed blood — [He.13:20] — has laid down His life — just for them [Jn.10:15]! He knows who they are — and He calls them all by their name — and they follow Him — and He gives unto them — eternal life — and they shall never perish [Jn.10:3, 27-28]!
He is the one and only great High Priest [He.4:14] — that ministers before God in the holy heavens on behalf of all those whom God the Father has given unto Him [Jn.6:37; 17:2]. Through Him — as our great High Priest — we, in full assurance of faith in His blood — have bold access into the heavenly Holy of holies [He.10:19-22].
As our eternal — great High Priest — He officiates His perfect ministry for us in a “greater and more perfect Tabernacle — not made with hands — that is to say — not of this creation!” [He.8:1-2; 9:11]! Through Him — and Him, alone — there is, indeed, provided — “so great salvation”! Therefore, He is a great Savior [Is.32:20]!
This brings unto us — great joy [Lk.2:10] — as we traverse through the wilderness of this fallen world. We inevitably discover that Jesus is, indeed, a “great Rock — in a weary land” [Is.32:2]. We find that — in Christ there is commended unto us — God’s “great love — wherewith He loved us” [Eph.2:4] — and there is bestowed upon us His great grace — which gives us great power — to speak His word with boldness [Acts 4:31,33] — bearing witness of the great things that He hath done [1Sam.12:24].
In truth — the eternal person and work of the Son of God — the Lord Jesus Christ — is, indeed, a great Light [Is.9:2]! Everyone who has walked this world in darkness — unto whom this Light has been revealed — is a true witness of this fact. This is the Light that shined unto the lost Pharisee, Saul of Tarsus — arresting him — and changing him into the apostle, Paul — when he was on his way to Damascus [Acts 22:6]. “Suddenly there shone from heaven — a great Light”– he says.
In a principle of His grace — dear ones — this is how it happens with each of us! He reveals Himself unto us — and we then exclaim: “Oh how great is thy goodness — which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee…” [Ps.31:19] Praise His great name!
“Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and His greatness is unsearchable!” Ps.145:3