“Then shall we know, (if) we follow on – to know the Lord – His going forth is prepared as the morning…and He shall come unto us as the rain – as the latter and former rain unto the earth.” [Hos.6:3]
The catalyst behind all the genuine followers – all the true disciples – of Jesus Christ the Lord is none other than the Lord, Himself. He is the alpha and omega of all that pertains to an eternally saving relationship with Him. Hence it connects: “His going forth” – to the phrase, “we follow on to know the Lord” (remember the word “if” is not in the original Hebrew). We who are genuine followers of the Lord Jesus Christ – from the time that we genuinely came to know Him personally as our Lord and Savior – we began a life-long journey in this life of following, growing and getting to know Him more and more. We find ourselves among all those chosen and “peculiar people” who “have received the love of the Truth, that they might be saved”! [1Pe.2:9; 2Th.2:10]
It is the Lord who has eternally purposed for this to be the Way for us to be saved and go to heaven. Therefore, it says: “His going forth – is prepared…”. All of this takes place in perfect accordance with the perfectly established preparation of our sovereign, all-governing Lord God.
The Holy Spirit through Hosea puts all this in direct context with the daily realization of a new morning. The scripture exhorts us by saying: “We have also a more sure word of prophecy wherunto we would do well to take heed – as unto a light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn and the day star arise in our hearts.” This verse also looks to the perfect preparation of our Lord and Creator – in the dawn of every new morning.
Our Hosea text describes where we are right now in what we know of our Lord Jesus – and our following on to know Him even more; to love Him even more (and to know more of His love for us). 2Pe.3:18 goes on and exhorts us to “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”. This echoes our following on “to know the Lord”.
Our Lord’s perfect “preparation” is always in line with the perfect Way of His perfect work which will be performed according to His perfect timing. Therefore does the text mention that: “He shall come unto us – as the rain – as the latter and former rain unto the earth.” Here, once again, is emphasized the certainty of God’s grace unto us! From what I understand, in Palestine there were typically just two seasons in the year when rain would occur. It would first come at the end of September, or the beginning of October. This was the beginning of the civil year of the Jews. This rain was regarded as the former or early rain. It came regularly right after the seed was planted so as to soak the soil and aid – or prepare – the seed for its germination. Then, by the end of March and on throughout April there would come what was regarded as the latter rain which would in turn complete the process – or prepare the crop — for the harvest. These two seasons had their own particular purpose to fulfill in God’s perfectly designed decree and plan. Without them there would only be famine and ultimately death. Spiritual growth in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ works out in just the same precise manner. The Word of the Lord says: “For as the rain cometh down – and the snow – from heaven – and returneth not thither – but watereth the earth and maketh it to bring forth and bud – that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater: so shall my Word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void – but it shall accomplish that which I please – and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” [Is.55:10-11] Praise His Wonderful Loving and Gracious Name!! Amen.
-For Christ’s Glory Only!
John Carpenter