“Herein is our love made perfect — that we may have boldness in the day of judgment, because — according as He is — so are we in this world!” 1Jn.4:17
“For it became Him — for whom are all things — and by whom are all things — in bringing many sons unto glory — to make the Captain of their salvation — perfect — through sufferings. For both — He that sanctifieth — and they that are sanctified — are all of One. For which cause — He is not ashamed to call them brethren!” He.2:10-11
God’s love for us — is everlasting! He has used it — to draw us all unto His eternal and only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ — and then, through Christ — unto Himself [Je.31:3] — praise His Name! But, the text above [1Jn.4:17] is referring to our love for God that is specifically expressed though our love for one another. The context that surrounds this wonderful verse describes our dwelling in the constant activity of loving one another. And, it is this that gives occasion as to why we can expect what is announced in the next phrase when it says: “we may have boldness — in the day of judgment”! This grace truth is even a reality “because as He is — so are we in this world”. Let the words of that last phrase thoroughly sink — deep into your understanding!
1Jn.4:19 makes it clear that our love for God — and for one another — is ultimately because He, God, first loved us. There is no disputing this great truth. And, He.2:10-11 declare for us the description of how the Lord God demonstrated His great love for us. It says: “For it became Him” — and this is saying that God made it to be as conspicuous — as the erecting a tall tower upon the landscape of fallen humanity — to make the Captain of our salvation — to be the perfect Savior for our lost and fallen souls — through His suffering the utter ignominy of becoming incarnated into being — one of us!
Our eternal salvation depended upon us — becoming like Him — BUT — in order for that to happen — He had to become like us – FIRST! In order for Him to be able to do that — to walk among us as one of us — He had to suffer the laying aside — the glory of the image of His holy deity and come and die as our substitute — for our sins!
The wonderful result of this is the blessed eternal gospel truth of He.2:11! This is the pure gospel truth of eternally saving grace. And, this is eternally secured — in the eternal person and being of the eternal Son of God! Oh — the blessed union that we have by virtue of the person and work of our sovereign eternal Savior and Substitute — the Lord Jesus Christ! “For both He that sanctifies — and they that are sanctified — are all of One” We are in Him — before God — complete and perfect and without sin — even holy! “For which cause” — He is not ashamed to call us brethren! (Because He has cleansed and completely cleaned us up!) It is no wonder that the Word of God says: “If God be for us — who can be against us!” [Ro.8:31].
For Christ’s Glory Only!
-John Carpenter