Please mark your calendars — for on Saturday, September 24th,we are going to meet together for our — non formal — 59th Friendship Fellowship Banquet. It will be held at Pleasant Grove Bible Church which is located at 4916 Lee’s Summit Rd. in Kansas City, MO. This year we are doing something a little different and meeting for the banquet over the noon hour. We are planning to hold it from 11:00AM to 2:00PM on that Saturday. We decided on a theme of the banquet this year to center on Remembering the Blessings. After being sustained by the Lord for 59 years –there will be plenty of God’s blessings for us to testify of and report!
Hopefully this new afternoon time frame will prove to be easier for all of you to be able to attend. We hope — according to the Lord’s will and purpose — to affect a greater turn out since there will be no night time driving to be concerned about. Please pray with us about this — and please try to attend! It will be a good time.