Here is another entry from our 2015 camp journal:
July 2, 2015> “First older girls camp! Tuesday morning it stormed, and Wednesday we only had a morning swim time. That evening we were under a tornado warning, so we skipped campfire, set up a projector in the basement of the dorm and watched movies. One key to being a good counselor is to hide God’s Word in your heart so He can give you opportunity to use it and relate to the kids. Get to know them; be goofy; be serious; speak to their need of a Savior in the small and the big ways. When Christ taught parables, He used their language and stories they could relate to. He listened patiently, took time away from doing things to truly focus on the needs of others, and gave Himself up for us. Let that be our mindset. This week, not many offered to pray, but I pray they would desire to know Christ and grow in their relationship with Him… Nothing can compare! Cause them to adore you, Lord.” Kendle
Kendle may not be able to be with us in 2016. Please remember to keep praying for her — that our Lord will guide and direct and provide and protect her in all that she ends up doing in this world. And, pray for us that He will provide another wonderful worker and laborer for His glory in what is needed here at Del-Haven.