Now for another tidbit from our 2016 Camp Journal. Here are two entries from our own Sheri D. that was entered at approximately the end of June:
“I received an encouraging email from one of the parents who sent her daughter to camp for the first little kids camp. She thanked us, but also expressed how happy it made her to be able to hear her daughter sing her camp songs…‘songs of faith’ as she referred to them. She said she sang them all over the house: in the shower — in her room, etc. It’s a wonderful thought to know that the adults in this house are hearing what this little girl went home with in her heart.” Sheri
“One morning during the girls camp we were sitting around the tables for our morning staff meeting, and as we got ready to start our prayer time, I looked around and suddenly realized that many of our girl staff members were former campers. These campers I used to pray for each morning and I am now praying with them. To God be the glory for the great things He has done!” Sheri