It is with sincere love and joy, dear ones, that we here at Del-Haven do wish you all a very blessed and Happy Thanksgiving for 2011!
We have enjoyed some mild and wonderful — even beautiful — days recently. Fall is such a marvelous time of year. There are tons of leaves on the grounds…everywhere we step! If one somewhat mild day any of you want to help us — come on out and rake up and burn some leaves. We have an abundance! And, it won’t be long before we must batten down the hatches for winter.
The place always seems so quiet and uninhabited at this time of year. Nevertheless — we must not at all cease to be diligent in prayer — petitioning the Lord God to ever continue to sustain us in this ever changing and corrupt world. I am sure that we all know — that we are all aware — of the onslaught that the Evil One is launching against the Kingdom of Christ. The oppression and the pressures that he has been waging against us — have been on the increase all about us — in order to stifle — in order to prohibit — the proclamation of the gospel of God’s grace. More than ever we must band together and stand together in the good fight of the faith!