And He spake a parable unto them – that men ought always to pray, and not to faint. (2) Saying: ‘There was in a city — a judge – that feared not God – neither regarded man. (3) And there was a widow in that city – and she came to him, saying: Avenge me of mine adversary! (4) And he would not for awhile, but afterward he said within himself: Though I fear not God – nor regard man (5) yet because this widow troubleth me – I will avenge her – lest by her continual coming – she weary me.’ (6) And the Lord said, ‘Hear what the unjust judge saith! (7) And shall not God avenge His own elect – which cry day and night unto Him – though He bear long with them? (8) I tell you that He will avenge them speedily! Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh – shall He find faith on the earth?” [Luke 18:1-8]

The Lord Jesus Christ – the eternal Son of God incarnate – is our eternal Savior. We have been eternally saved — according to the perfectly performed merits of His obedient righteousness; and the eternal efficacy of His sin-atoning shed blood; and the omnipotent power of His sovereign Grace! As being our great Savior – He was, is and always will be – in all things – our excellent example.   Although He is much more than just our example – and always will be – we who are truly His chosen sinner/children – will – by His grace seek to pattern our lives after Him.

1st Peter 2:21-24 plainly says: For even hereunto were ye calledbecause Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps. (22) Who did no sinneither was guile found in His mouth. (23) Who, when He was reviledreviled not againwhen He sufferedHe threatened notbut committed Himself to Him that judgeth righteously. (24) Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the treethat webeing dead to sins, should live unto righteousnessby whose stripes ye were healed! (25) For ye were as sheep going astraybut are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.”

From Jn.13:15, Jesus says: I have given you an examplethat ye should do as I have done…” Jesus shows us by example how to walk according to His faith through this sinful, fallen and passing away world. He shows by example what it means to truly love – both – Him and one another. And, He demonstrates for us how to suffer patiently by committing ourselves to the sovereign care of our heavenly Father! He shows us that just by living in this world of trial and adversity – walking by His faith and believing in Him – we are, in fact, serving Him by being reflections of Him!

In the matter of prayer, for instance, our Lord is an absolutely exemplary example for us to imitate. From His Word, He tells us to continue in prayer [Col.4:2] and pray without ceasing[1Th.5:17], which surely means that He has willed for us to do just as He has done! As such, this Godly activity of prayer, along with many other disciplines, is a living example of a true close relationship with Christ!

And, when you think about it – if ever there was a man who might not have a need to prayit would be the God/man! After all – He did no sin. He knew no sin. He had no sin. But, it was He who became sin for all those for whom He died! He had a Holy Soul! The lusts of the flesh that in this world always wage war against all the fallen-in-sin souls of God’s chosen sinner/children – absolutely could not even come close to subduing the Holy Soul of our Savior! That ever constant daily battle was bravely fought by Him — and through His faith in the Word of His heavenly Father – He was overwhelmingly victorious over sin! And, through Himso are we!


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