Prayer Requests
Please, dear faithful fellow laborers for the truth of the gospel of the glory, only, of our Lord Jesus Christ — keep us ever in your prayerful support as you have thus far. Our mighty Savior is able to do the seeming impossible! Remember the poor boy that had a demon since he was a little child, and the disciples could not cast the demon out? When the Lord Jesus, Himself, finally did — His disciples inquired just why it was that they could not. Jesus answered according to Mk.9:29: “This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting!” And, dear ones, whether it is individuals, or families, or neighborhoods, or nations that are held in the evil demon grip of corruption — it takes much persistent prayer and fasting for the direct action of none other than Christ, Himself, to set the prisoners free! We love everyone of you who prayerfully and faithfully help us to bear our burdens in this evangelistic endeavor to proclaim the good tidings of the Prince of peace. May God richly bless you all! Your support is an extension of His grace unto camper and staff alike — and a great source of encouragement to us. We need you! We are so glad that the Lord has touched your hearts to intercede like you do on our behalf.