We are in need of replacing the mattresses on the bunk beds in the dormitory. The mattresses we are currently using have wooden box frames built in and a few inches of foam on top. These are of such low quality that the wooden frames are breaking and the foam is sagging and tearing. We have a solution to fix the frames for the beds, but we are in need of 32 twin mattresses. We have located twin mattresses that we can purchase for $100 each. If you would like to help with this extra expense, please designate “mattress fund” with your donation. We will begin replacing them a few at a time as we are able.
Sovereign Grace Fellowship Breakfast
Meeting every two weeks on Saturday morning
Time: 8:30 AM
Location: Hy-Vee in Raytown
Bible study, prayer, and breakfast! Call (816) 425-0460 for more information.
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Camp Del-Haven
887 NW 1901
Lone Jack, MO 64070
(816) 425-0460