The month to month necessities of Del-Haven still need to be met on an ongoing basis. And, we still have a balance of $56,000 with the bank that we need to — Lord willing — pay off and retire. Please resume your earnest prayers with us in this matter. God has brought us through financial difficulties like these in the past — and He can do it again. Please pray that He will.
Most of all, ever be in prayer with us for all the children that have passed across these camp grounds this last summer. And, that have heard and embraced the truth of the gospel of the glory and grace of Christ, our God. They are for the most part — so much like sheep for the slaughter in that they are being herded back into the untoward environments of an ungodly school system. They, indeed, need our prayers — for God to keep them in the safety and security that comes from being rooted and grounded in the knowledge and understanding of His word. Pray that they remember their memory verses and gospel choruses and find in them comfort and strength and protection that can only come from the Lord. Please, dear ones, persevere with us in this Godly endeavor. We love you and thank you for doing so.