Please be in prayer with us for our staff members. The Lord has greatly blessed our need for staff the last several years and they are very dear to us. They volunteer their time and truly seek to serve the Lord by sharing the Gospel with the children who otherwise may not hear. They care for these campers and develop relationships with them, sometimes for several years. One such previous camper is Delano. He has been camping with us since he was six years old. He is currently in our Learning to Serve program as a 14 (soon to be 15) year old. He and his family have a great need as to where they are living and where he can go to school. This is a burden that he continually casts before the Lord, and we also ask that you be praying with him and with us about this situation. In addition, we have several of our staff members who are facing the trials and adventures of college and working their first major jobs. The Lord has sent these young people to Del-Haven for a reason and we trust that it is to minister to them and help prepare them for future ministry and Christian living.
The payoff on the bank loan for the waterlines and lake has been slow. The bank continues to work with us and allows us to pay a monthly interest and extra payments toward the principal as we are able. The current loan balance is $56,200.