Well, dear ones, 2016 is now under way and we already sense and see that this carnal world is poised to be much more oppressively against us as we press on in the ministry of the gospel of the glory, only, of God’s grace through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Please be in earnest prayer with us that He continue to lead us according to His perfect will and wisdom in protecting, providing and preserving us.
By His amazing and enabling grace we will persevere in fighting the good fight of faith out here at Camp Del-Haven. It can, at times, seem to be overwhelming, but by Christ’s strength — and your faithful, prayerful support — we can with confidence continue to bravely face the foe — and this — all for Christ’s glory only.
Oh yes, while you’re praying for us — be in earnest prayer for our country as well! We desperately need a quickening from God the Holy Spirit upon our whole land!
I recently received word that on the evening of Oct.15 — our dear friend and faithful supporter, Florine McClain, was welcomed and received into the loving presence of our Lord. Her family informed me that her final moments came with family at her bed side. They told me that she was in a “comfort sleep” when — as they put it: “Mom took her last breath with a slight giggle, smiled, and lifted her arms toward heaven. All of her children and several grandchildren were at her bedside to witness this incredible moment. It was bittersweet; but none of us will ever forget that experience as she left us to join her heavenly Father and be reunited with Dad in heaven.” Dear friends, Florine’s final testimony proves how grand it is to know the Lord Jesus — and to be known by Him throughout this life! I can’t imagine traversing through this sinful fallen world without Christ being with me — keeping me — encouraging me — ever drawing me into His presence! Praise His Name!