Well, dear ones, as we come to another end of the camp season we are – naturally — somewhat perplexed about our future. However, like the song says: “I know not what – the future holds – but I know who holds the future! It’s a secret – known only to Him.” And, this is the reality. Our sovereign God is both Omniscient and All-powerful and He knows our needs before we do! We can (and do) trust Him. This is His ministry! We are His servants!

Once again, we want to tell you how much we thank you for your faithfulness in prayerfully supporting us. It is a great encouragement to know you are supporting us in your prayers and supplications.

Please continue to pray earnestly for all the children that the Lord has sent through our camp program. And, don’t give up on the real possibility that we will once again be able to implement our regular camp program. Of course, we must always pray, even when we pray for one another, remember to pray in the overall context of – if the Lord will”. So, please pray for our boys and girls – and please pray for our staff and their helpers – that they be safe from harm or sickness and that they be strengthened and encouraged by the Holy Spirit!

Also, remember in your praying – pray for all the family groups that have responded to our invitations to come spend a big part of the day here at Del-Haven. Right up front I present the everlasting gospel unto them all. The last group we ministered to was the largest group yet! Fifteen people showed up – and all but four were brand new! The Lord may be introducing us to another whole new approach Del-Haven Ministry. Pray with us about this possibility. Thank you – we love you.


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