Praises and Prayer Requests
Well, dear friends and family in Christ, we have completed yet another very blessed summer camp season here at Del-Haven. Our last older girls camp was a remarkable testimony of our Lord’s presence. Around the last campfire, several of the girls stated that their favorite time at camp was learning about the Lord at the Bible study time. Each year we give all the campers brand new Bibles. In fact, it’s safe to say that the two most mentioned favorite things are the food and the Bible studies…or, the physical meals and the spiritual meals. They all declared that they wanted to come back! Please continue to faithfully lift all the children up in your prayers.
Please remember to seek the Lord with us concerning additional male help to be added on our staff for next year. It would be great to have five mature — dedicated to serve the Lord — young men on our staff for next summer. We need them for four camp sessions that would run from Monday through Thursday. Two for our camps for age 6 to 8 year old boys, and two for our camps for age 9 to 12 year old boys. Please pray with us concerning this matter. If you know of any young men – let’s say 14 years old, or older – that might like to do this – we would love to talk to them! Please give us a call: 816-690-8465, or 277-7071.
On Saturday, the 18th – we had a wonderful “thank-you-celebration” for the men and women of First Baptist Church of Oak Grove – plus others — whom the Lord chose to help us with the renovation of our kitchen and restrooms, et. al. We had a blessed time of fellowship over hot dogs, hamburgers and ribs along with Theresa’s famous baked beans (well, they’re famous as far as I’m concerned) and her wonderful potato salad. It is a taste of heaven to sit around a feast table with, and among, the family of God! Thank you, Lord, for granting to us such good times!