Dear ones, by God’s gracious sustenance and all governing rule over His ministry here at Del-Haven – we are embarking on our 69th year of service unto the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ! And, His sustenance and all governing rule has included all your prayers that have undergirded this work all along the journey that we have come — so far. We continually thank our Savior for all of you – each and every one! We love you – and we pray for you as well.

Please do not forget to keep in your prayers the children whom the Lord has graciously sent to go through the Del-Haven Camp program. Everyday that they are in camp – they continuously hear God’s Word of truth – in song and in general conversation. Pray that the pure and incorruptible Seed of the Word be blessed to bring forth the fruitof eternal life in Christ Jesus. And, please remember to pray for our staff of young adults that give of their time and effort to work out all the daily supervisory tasks of  Del-Haven Camp life. They, too, need the encouragement and strength of the Holy Spirit to persevere through this fallen-in-sin world – for Christ!

Pray that we be able to once again be allowed to even have camp this year. If the wrong people get into the leadership of our nation – ungodliness in our whole society will run even more amuck than it already is. But, dear friends and family in Christ, whatever our Sovereign God has in store for this year – we here at Del-Haven will press on in whatever way we can do to minister the truth of the Gospel of the glory, only, of the Lord Jesus Christ – the only Sovereign Savior Substitute that there ever was – is – or, ever will be! All praise and glory unto His Wonderful Name! As the first two phrases of the Del-Haven theme song declares: “We will fight for the right at DelHaven Reaching Youth for the Truth is our goal”!

In your prayers – we also have some special requests. Please remember Pastor Larry Tennant of Pleasant Grove Bible Church who has recently suffered (but, praise God, has survived) a stroke. He – and his wife, Mary Ann — needs all our prayers in this trying circumstance. He, and the whole church, have been a faithful source of prayer and support for Del-Haven right from the beginning of the Lord’s ministry here – over 68 years! Lord willing – our prayers for Larry will be instrumental in the raising our brother back to complete recovery.

Also, we want to issue an urgent call to prayer for Jeff’s parents: Jerry and Marsha Hall. They are both in the hospital – having tested positive for the coronavirus. We dearly love them very much. Jerry and Marsha served faithfully on the board of directors of Camp Del-Haven for over three decades! Please lift them up in your prayers for their complete recovery as well. There’s no god, but our God – and He doeth all things well! Again, Praise His Name!


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