The Del-Haven 2016 camp season is right upon us! Praise the Lord, He has supplied through many of you all new mattresses for Cabin 1. Our God hears and answers prayer and fulfills His good pleasure in providing for us through His people. It’s truly a beautiful thing! Thank you all for being there. Please keep praying for us.
We were in great need of trimming several trees that had many dead limbs that were a real threat of breaking off and falling to the ground and possibly upon one of us, or a camper. These limbs were way up in the trees. So several men from different churches (Heritage Baptist and First Baptist of Oak Grove) rallied to the task and rented a bucket lift to get the job done as well as gave of their time and expertise to see it through to the end. Honorable mention goes to Jack Chaffee, Heath Lytle, Carl Brewer, Ron Hayes and our own Jeff Hall. We prayed through this whole day that our Lord would protect these men from harm and be successful in performing the dangerous job…and He did! This work day was yet one more wonderful testimony of our great God’s presence and protective power among us!
There are still some tasks that need to be tackled and completed, but that will always be the case when striving for Christ’s eternal kingdom in this temporary world. Our Lord continues to bear testimony unto us that He is, indeed, with us to guide us, provide for us, protect us and preserve us…as we continue to pray and seek Him in all that we do. Praise His all glorious Name!
We also had a wonderful Staff Training Week. There were 18 dedicated young men and women that attended. Please pray for their preparation to serve the Lord on the front lines with the children that will be attending camp this year. We know the enemy will do all that he can to disrupt and even destroy any opportunity to proclaim the gospel of the glory only of the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray that we be protected from all the attacks of the evil one. Thank you in advance for your prayerful response. We love you and do pray for you, too.