Well, dear family in Christ, once we get through March we will begin the countdown of work weekends to the Camp Del-Haven 2020 camp season! The arduous task(s) of camp preparation will officially be upon us. Please begin at once in praying with us as we face all that needs to be done. As with all that we ever do – we seek first the wisdom and guidance of our great Savior in this His ministry. We covet your prayerful involvement – as always.
Our standard prayer, of course, is for all the boys and girls that have come to camp in the past – and especially that will be coming to camp this year. The ongoing practice of praying has a great deal to do with the fact of the generational legacy that – by the grace of God – is already happening as far as the ministry of Del-Haven is concerned! Praise the Savior! And, all of you who have been so loyal to support us in your praying with us – our Lord has made you to be a real stalwart part of this reality. We love you and we thank our sovereign, almighty God for you!
Then, likewise, there is the matter of our staff help. We do have some faithful ones that we are so glad to see returning each year – but we are always in need of quality mature Christian male and female helpers. This, too, is something that we depend on the Lord to provide – so, prayer for this provision from His hand is vitally necessary! Please continue to join with us in this particular prayerful endeavor. We thank you in advance for your continual support in this regard.
Thanks so much for your wonderful response in regards to the lifeguard training expense. Praise the Name of our great and gracious Savior!
Summer Volunteers Needed
If you, or someone you know, is interested in serving the Lord with us this summer, please contact Sheri at 816-690-8465 or sheri@campdelhaven.org for more information. We are in need of both adult and young volunteers over the age of 14.