Well, dear ones, we are now in the midst of March and we still do not know for certain if we will be allowed to – once again — accept campers for regular camp sessions. Please be in earnest prayer with us concerning this all important matter. There is nothing too hard for the Lord – regardless of the adverse circumstances! We already know that even if we cannot – again this year – do camp ministry like we have done for decades – we plan to once again have families come to Del-Haven for a full day of Camp Del-Haven activities – including Bible class – and minister to Mom and Dad and campers altogether. The Lord blessed our time last year when we did that. So, if need be — we are prepared to do the same this year. Again – please pray for our Lord’s wise leading where this is concerned.

And, as always – please remember to pray for the children that we have so much on our hearts — that have been campers (and that want to be campers) at Del-Haven. All the boys and girls that have come from all the different broken backgrounds that God has sent to us to hear the wonderful truth of the gospel of the glory, only, of the Lord Jesus Christ! We all have had a lot of other people that have been led of the Lord to pray for us – some whom we know – and a lot whom we do not really know. The prayers of the people of God are what God uses to graciously accomplish His will and good pleasure…and we all need just that!

Pray also for our staff as well. For over 60 years the sovereign Savior has always met our need of good help to fill the key positions of leadership in this camp ministry. Many of our staff were at one time in their lives also campers of ours. What a living miracle to see how the Lord God brings us campers only to enter into their lives and also turn them into our valued and faithful helpers. It is truly a marvelous thing to witness! Please pray for our staff – especially if the Lord sees fit to have us in full operation this year!

We do love you all and really appreciate you being so faithful in continuing to prayerfully support the Lord’s ministry here. This encourages our hearts and serves to strengthen and comfort us – as we wait on the Lord!


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