Praises and Prayer Requests
Well, dear ones, our 65th year and our 2017 camp season will be upon us next month! We cherish your prayers. Your prayers for our staff – and your prayers for the children whom the Lord will send to us to hear the glorious gospel of Christ! Please pray that the Spirit of the Lord prepare their hearts to hear His Word. Please pray that our staff will be used of the Lord to declare clearly and plainly the pure truth of the gospel of His glory only.
Praise the Lord – we still have help that is planning to come in the near future to continue to help us get ready! You don’t realize how it encourages us to hear from those of you who are willing and able to give us, even for a few hours, your energy and skill. The fellowship is rich — and it is amazing what all gets tackled and accomplished. Thank you so much!
Please pray for our upcoming staff training session on June 5-7. We currently have about 18 volunteers working with the children this summer. We praise the Lord for this answer to prayer.
Ro.11:36 tells us: “For of Him – and through Him – and to Him – are all things: to whom be glory forever. Amen.” We continually thank and praise our great God for all your prayers and support! We truly do love you.