Well, dear ones, we continue to praise our wonderful Lord God for everything that He continues to demonstrate in regards to His great faithfulness! A favorite text of Don Carpenter was Lam.3:22-23: It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumedbecause His compassions fail not. (23)They are new every morning: Great is thy Faithfulness!” It’s interesting, as well as encouraging, that this text tells us that God’s mercies are new to us every morning. Every new day that we are still here in this fallen-in-sin world – He refreshes upon us His everlasting mercies and His unfailing compassion. Praise His Name – He cannot fail! [see Jn.6:39]

 As the calendar approaches another season of holidays, please do not forget to hold up in your prayers the campers and staff. For many of them – this time of year is fraught with depression and disappointment. Pray that the precious Holy Spirit reveals Himself to them with the comfort and joy that He is particularly famous for. Pray for us as well, dear ones, as we pray for you! There are so many times where all I can do is pray and trust in the Lord and His awesome sovereign control over it all. Like the scripture tells us concerning Abraham as he faced his impossible situation. Ro.4:17  tells us that “…he believed Godwho quickeneth the deadand calleth those things which be notas though they were!” And, once again, God proves Himself as being absolutely faithful to His Word!


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