Well, dear friends and family in Christ, the 2015 Del-Haven camp season is officially under way and we have had two great camps to bear testimony — once again — that our Lord God — is indeed — our Lord God. The much needed repairs for our tractor have been met, and I can once again use it to knock down the everlasting growth of all the grass in the rougher and most hard to reach places on the campground. Thank you for your prayers — and thank you to all that could give of your substance as well — in order to meet this special need. God uses your prayers — and your gifts — in the accomplishment of His will and good pleasure. Bless His Name!
We also want to give a special thanks to a special man who literally rebuilt the patio roof (plus other areas) so that we should not have anymore leaks in that part of the dining hall. Literally, for years — we have been in prayer that the Lord would provide us with someone who would know just what needs to be done to stop all the problems that we have had with this. And, though Jack Chaffee — we came into contact with Russ Gaston — a professional roofer — and between the two of them — we have a whole new patio and utility room for our dining hall. We Praise and Thank the Lord for His using these men! Pray for both these men — that God will richly bless them for labors.
Most of all, dear ones, please continue to lift up to the Lord everyone on our staff who persevere for Christ on the front line where the rigors of the camp operation are concerned. They need your prayerful support for the wisdom and the patience that only the abiding, guiding presence of the Holy Spirit can provide. More and more of our campers are coming to the age of enrolling in our “Learning To Serve” program so they can continue to be a part of the Del-Haven Camp event. This provides a great plan for spiritual follow-up and growth for the children that manifest Christ in their lives. What great staff members they make, but they need our prayers!
Also, as always, pray for all the children that our Lord sends out to us to go to camp. Pray that they are, each one, being prepared by the Holy Spirit — drawn by the Father – unto the Son. There is no other way to truly come to Jesus [Jn.6:44-45]. Thank you for all your love and support.