Well, dear ones, it is once again Thanksgiving time! And, all of us here at Del-Haven pray that you have blessed experience in your celebration with your friends and family. This truly is a favorite time of year. Let us thank our Lord abundantly for it.
The work in progress on the shower house and restrooms is going just great! We thank and praise our wonderful Savior for the skillful labors of the men from First Baptist Church of Oak Grove. They are doing a splendid job! God is so good!
It is still unfolding what the Lord is doing where the much needed renovation of our kitchen is concerned. It is literally awesome to see what is coming together in regards to the provision of that project. Please remember to pray with us for the Lord’s continual testimony of His leading and supplying.
Please remember in your prayers all the children unto whom Camp Del-Haven – by the grace of God – has ministered. Thanksgiving season can be a time of added adversity in a broken home. Pray that the Holy Spirit of grace and truth be unto them all – a Spirit of comfort and joy in Him. Also remember those that are a part of our staff. Satan is especially the enemy of anyone who is called to labor for the Lord. They need our continual prayerful intercession before the throne of grace.
We continually give unto the Lord God all the glory and praise and thankfulness — for all of your faithfulness to prayerfully support this ministry the way that you do! We love you and we pray for you. Thank you for being there.