As always — we earnestly ask that you continue to fervently pray for us! Give thanks unto God with us for the wonderful staff that He sent to us. They endured the record high heat that Missouri experienced — all the while lovingly ministering unto the children under their charge. We are so thankful to the Lord for each and every one of them! And, give thanks to Lord with us for the ongoing support that we had in food and supplies throughout the summer. I don’t think we ever seen such support as this before. Why — we started out needing two refrigerators — and the Lord replaced the one — and then gave to us two freezers — which we really could use! And, while the camps are going on — and we are quickly depleting our supplies from our food pantry — the Lord then sends out Piper Bible Church — who shows up with a food shower they held for us — and our shelves are replenished! What a wonderful Savior we have!
But, most of all — continue to pray for all the boys and girls that the Lord sent to camp this year — to hear the pure presentation of the gospel of the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. This generation of young people have to face a particularly grim state of affairs — as we all know — and they desperately need our prayers!
Dear friends — our financial needs are noticeably more cumbersome than usual as well — especially since our tractor (after giving us 50 years of solid service) finally gave out on us. We had to replace it with another one which costs $2850. Once again — I went to the bank — and once again they responded favorably toward us. It seems we make head way on the one hand — only to get set back on the other. Please include in your prayers — the request for the Lord’s supply of this added need.