Praises, Prayer Requests, and Projects
Well, dear ones, by the time you receive this month’s news and prayer letter we will have had an election in our country for the leadership of our nation. May our Lord be pleased to deliver us from a corrupt and oppressive environment. Whatever will have happened in this regard — we need to be in continual, earnest prayer! And, especially, in this particular regard, please continue to remember Camp Del-Haven in all your praying. Be assured that we will be praying for you as you pray for us.
Pray for our children that, for the most part, are completely oblivious to the importance what this election means where they are concerned. The “god of this world” is busy blinding unbelieving and unwary eyes from beholding the light of the gospel of the glory, only, of the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray that the power of God will protect and preserve all these youngsters from being overwhelmed by the ways of this fallen world and the Evil One and his seed. Pray for us as the battle intensifies.
Remember, if you will, the projects that we are saving for to be able to accomplish. Like the renovation of our restroom and shower house for the campers; and, also, the remodeling of our kitchen. We have yet another prayer request where our gate into the camp is concerned. When we installed the gate a few years back be put in place a solar powered gate that conveniently opens and closes via an opener. Well, the motor for the gate went bad and we are faced with an inflated cost as to replace it. It will take right at $500. We have received $250 from our dear friends at Pleasant Grove Bible church designated to go toward the total cost (Praise the Lord). Please pray with us that our Lord will send in the necessary remaining balance so that we can install a new motor for our gate. Thank you.