Greetings, dear friends and fellow prayer supporters of this gospel declaring ministry of Camp Del-Haven! Thanks be unto our Lord — for His leading through you all in His sustaining us in this true gospel evangelistic endeavor. We truly thank the Lord for you all — for every bit of support that you afford to us in every form in which it comes unto us. Praise and glory unto His great Name!
Well, dear ones, the God and governor of all providence draws us nearer and nearer unto another camp season of ministering the glorious gospel of God’s sovereign grace unto boys and girls. Of all the things that need to be done — Holy Spirit led prayer is the most needed! It is tried and proven to be the most effectual way for us to prepare for the battle that we face. The invisible enemy and murderer of souls ever vies to disarm and disrupt by keeping us off of our knees before the throne of grace — and seeking from the Captain of our eternal salvation the wisdom, strength, protection and leading — that we need in order to serve Him, both, honorably and successfully. And, this is where your support is most keenly felt and realized! We are so thankful for your faithful prayers. Please keep us in your prayers! Pray for the children the Lord sends to us, as well as, pray for the staff of young men and women that He provides to serve each camp session. Our 2015 camp schedule is herein provided so you can pray specifically for each camp.