Well, once again, dear ones, it is hard to believe that although right at this moment the Del-Haven campground is quiet — and cold — and bare — with trees and limbs down all over the place — Lord willing, in just a little over three months from now — the entire place will be humming with activity! The usual policing of the buildings and grounds will obviously have to be done in advance, it is true — but more importantly is the preparation definitely has be made — by prayer and Bible study — to be effectively used to present the gospel of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ unto the boys and girls that He will be sending to us. And, for all of these things we earnestly solicit from all of you — all of your prayers!
As we attempt to keep in touch with staff and camper alike — throughout the year — we have been encouraged with the prospects of a prosperous 2013! We have heard from some of our best staff members — that they are planning to be here once again this year. That’s absolutely great news! While there are others who have indicated that they will not be able to help us this year — and this naturally leaves gaps that we need to fill in their absence. So — dear “prayer warriors” — please bring this need up before our ever faithful God and Savior. He knows our needs before we ask Him — but that fact does not mean that we don’t have to ask Him. It just assures us that He already knows what we need. In fact, He prompts us to — even commands us to — cast all our cares upon Him, for He cares for us! As we have noted before — prayer is that which God has chosen to use — to accomplish His will (not change it).
Other than the ongoing and regular financial needs that we have — of the 32 beds we are still in need of seven more new mattresses for the bunks in the dorm. They cost $100 for each. It would be nice to be able to start the new camp season with fresh replacements for all those bunks in the dorm. Please pray with us about this need as well.