Well, dear ones, as we conclude, once again, another blessed summer session of Del-Haven camps – we can, and do, bear testimony after testimony of our Lord’s guiding us – providing for us – preserving and perfecting us – all along the way. And, it is obvious to us – that the reason this is true is due, in a large way, to the overall faithfulness demonstrated by all of you – in your praying for us and in your supporting us! We constantly thank and praise the Name of our Savior for all of you!
This summer has been filled with some wonderful experiences that we will be progressively sharing with you in the coming months. Experiences that have involved – not only the children – but many of the staff as well. All of this will be made plain in future newsletters. God has definitely used the ministry of His Word in a marvelous manner in all of the lives who have been blessed to be chosen to serve Him on the platform that He has made of Del-Haven camp sessions. Praise His holy Name!
Due to the fact that we always have some post camp tasks that need to be tended to, we have decided to resurrect the Saturday Work Day routine for this fall. This means that if you – or your church group – have some time to spend helping us, you all can come out on some good fall Saturday and spend some time helping us tackle and complete some of the many things that we need to get done. Please pray about this and let us know if this might be possible for some of you. We will kick this off on Sat. 08/29/2015.
Urgent Prayer Request: Dear friends, please be in prayer for our Board Member, Dan McElwain – he suffered a severe stroke just last week! Praise the Lord, they got him to the hospital within the one hour widow of time in order for him to receive the necessary medication that provides the greatest percentage for recovery. He is at home and is doing remarkably well – with only some residual numbness on the right side of his face. Nevertheless, he is not out of harm’s way. In their thorough examination of him they discovered a foreboding hole in his heart and plan to perform some procedure to correct that condition. Please remember, Dan, in your prayers as he faces some major life altering decisions and expenses.
Thank you all! We love you and thank and praise our Lord God for your prayers and faithful support.