Our first two camp sessions turned out to be real blessings. The Lord continues to send to us wonderful supplies of every kind through Pastor and Mrs. John Jones of Faith In Christ Fellowship Church in Oak Grove, MO. They are such a rich blessing of encouragement — and, of provision! Please pray for them and their ministry.
Remember, dear friends — to be in continual prayer for our staff — and the children that God draws and directs into our camp sessions. The devil is, indeed, a defeated foe — but not yet totally removed from the battlefield. God is in sovereign control of all things — and our prayers are used in His perfect way to accomplish His perfect will — Praise His Name! One little eleven year old girl named, Michelle — around the campfire of last week’s camp — said that her favorite thing at camp were the verses of scripture that she memorized! She has been coming to Del-Haven for years…and this is the Spirit led spontaneous testimony — of her heart. This is so precious when you take into consideration what the Word from 2Th.2:10 describes of all the lost souls: “because they received not — the love of the truth — that they might be saved!”
Please, dear ones — continue to prayerfully combat with us — the darkness of this world — by assisting us in the “holding forth of the word of life”– unto these dear children. Thank you for being there — and — we love you!
The girls lined up and sang camp songs while waiting to be picked up in the city at the end of their camp session. They were singing about God’s Everlasting Love . . . and they were not being quiet about it!