It is indeed our prayer for you all – that you have experienced – and are experiencing – a truly Blessed New Year of 2024!
Our diligent seeking from God for a staff of awakened and quickened cabin and camp program leaders (both male and female) – ever continues. Please be in earnest prayer with us in this very important matter! We are living in not only spiritually oppressive times – but also financially trying times! The costs of living in this present economy have considerably increased the ongoing day to day burdens of food, fuel and utilities. All of which tends to make it more difficult for anyone of us to be able to pay attention to anything other than our being able to keep up with these particular personal needs. Nevertheless, our Great Shepherd – the Lord Jesus Christ – can lead us through these dark and difficult days victoriously! Let’s seek Him first – and follow Him each step of the way. Amen(?)…Amen!
The Word of God from the gospel of Isaiah declares to us the only circumstances where God, Himself, waits – for anything. Is.30:18 plainly says: “And therefore will the Lord wait – that He may be gracious unto you – and therefore will He be Exalted – that He may have mercy upon you! For the Lord is a God of Judgment. Blessed are all they – That Wait For Him!”
This is a profound portion of holy scripture! Our absolutely Sovereign God – is a God of Judgment! And, His Judgment can be either favorable or unfavorable. David wrote in Ps.119:20 “My soul breaketh for the longing that it hath unto thy Judgments at all times.” I hardly think that he confessed here that his soul longed for God’s unfavorable judgments at all times! No. His longing was for God’s sovereign providential good and favorable judgments. Circumstantial judgments of victory, peace and deliverance from the Evil One! Which judgments he experienced – as well as God’s unfavorable ones – in this fallen-in-sin world. And, beloved, so do we! We are the ones – in the here and now — that make up the Church Militant – still in this world; we look forward to becoming the Church Victorious – in heavenly glory! All praise and glory be unto God our Captain and Savior!
Until then – by God’s enabling grace – we have to continue to wait patiently for Him to unfold before us His leading us in that which is His will and good pleasure. Your continued prayerful support of us during this particular time is greatly appreciated! We love you all.