Please be thinking and praying about perhaps coming out and helping us get the place prepared for camp. Maybe your particular church group can set aside a Saturday to invest a few hours of your time in helping us get the things done to make the place ready for the camps. The first Saturday work day will begin on April 6th. We will have work days every Saturday until the first camp begins in June. We will provide breakfast at 8 AM and lunch around 12:30 PM. Projects range from simple cleaning and freshening up to tasks that require workers with special skills and abilities. Please contact us if you are planning on coming out so we can prepare for projects/meals as needed.

Sovereign Grace Fellowship Breakfast
Meeting every two weeks on Saturday morning
Time: 8:30 AM
Location: Hy-Vee in Raytown
Bible study, prayer, and breakfast! Call (816) 425-0460 for more information.
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Camp Del-Haven
887 NW 1901
Lone Jack, MO 64070
(816) 425-0460