And now, another entry from our camp journal:


“First camp of the summer…done!

This is my 10th summer serving as a counselor. I remember my friend, Sam, bringing me out here when I was 15…you could have never told my younger self I would be there this long. Over the years, Del-Haven was used by the Lord to fill a hole in my home, to draw me closer in love and knowledge of our dear Savior; to refine me to His likeness and grow me from a shy country girl. I’m so glad the Lord saw fit to keep me here this long. I feel so blessed to be able to serve and know others who love the Lord here.

Kamora told me (I asked the girls what scared them) that she was afraid of being kidnapped, shot or hurt – where she lives. She occasionally goes to church (described with great, dramatic, Kamora-style words), but it sounds like they rarely have scripture focused time at church, and that it is based on feelings. Keep her safe, Lord. Save her soul, and lead her to have her focus on knowing you; not just knowing how you apply her life, but how you want her to live for you – and that knowing and loving you intimately is the greatest treasure of all!

These children (and all of us in this world) need so much grace and mercy and truth that is only found in Christ in their daily lives. Teach us to flood their week with that when they are here.

Kendle L.

Please remember to pray for Kendle. Pray that the Spirit of God continue to use her for the glory of Christ. Pray for her needs – both of this world and more importantly, her spiritual needs.

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