As you probably know — we have been purging our mailing list to exclude addresses on our list that are no longer relevant. It is both good and necessary to periodically do this. We do not wish — at any time — to send news of our ministry, or our needs, to places that are neither valid nor receptive. And, having done this — may I sow a word of encouragement for you all to — maybe — talk about Del-Haven to someone new — who might become interested in supporting our ministry? We do have a website that you can send them to — if they are up to date with that sort of thing. Also, if there is a church group, or something like that — we would be glad to schedule a time to talk to them in person — and provide for them some brochures. After all — we do have 60 years of experience in preaching the gospel — and of being sustained by the grace of God — from which we can share. It is just a thought.

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