Praise For His Sustenance Of Del-Haven

Praise For His Sustenance Of Del-Haven

Well, dear ones, our Lord continues to faithfully manifest His Divine Presence and sustenance of Del-Haven. This is in spite of the fact that we have never seen such an oppressive and inflated economical environment as we have – right now! But, the Lord still hears and answers our prayers – Praise His Name! Through your prayers and gifts – He has met our monthly needs.

When we got our pool prepared to reopen – we discovered a mechanical problem with our pool filter. Jeff was able to determine what was needed and the Lord provided the necessary funds so that we could purchase the parts that needed to be replaced. Hence, Praise the Lord, Jeff was able to get that task done. This delayed the time for us to be able to have families scheduled to come out to the camp. The hot days we are already experiencing demand that we have a swimming pool! Please be in prayer for us – that the Lord will continue to provide and to guide us – as only He can do.

Jeff sent out an email to the camper families that we have on file for them to begin to pick a Family Day — beginning with the week of June 24th. We plan to make ourselves available for them up through August 9th. The lake is looking real good and we are making progress with cleaning up the campground. The rains and stormy winds have taken their toll on the trees and the like – please pray that our chainsaws, weed eaters and mowers will not break down. The Word of God says for us to “cast all our care on Him – because He cares for us” – so that is what we constantly are doing! Isn’t He Wonderful! (Hey – that’s a wonderful camp chorus!)

Please also remember to be praying that the Lord will lead to us (or us to them) five male and five female staff helpers so that we can once again put together some regular camp sessions. We want what He wants – nothing more and nothing less. Pray with us concerning the family group responses that we receive for this year – that those who come out will be blessed by the Lord with ears to hear and eyes to see (see: Pr.20:12) and hearts to receive and believe the pure truth of the gospel of the glory – only — of the Lord Jesus Christ.

As always – we want you to know how much we love you all – for your continued and faithful and prayerful support of this ministry. We thank our Lord God for you!


The Lord is Righteous in all His ways, and Holy

in all His Works. The Lord is nigh unto all that

call upon Him – to all that call upon Him in Truth.”



Preparing The Grounds For Our Summer Camp Evangelism

Preparing The Grounds For Our Summer Camp Evangelism

Beloved, we are gearing up for another summer of having whole families frequenting the Del-Haven Camp facilitiesboth parents and childrento experience what goes on throughout a whole week of camp! Jeff Hall sent out an initial email to all the families that we have on record. To this we received an immediate positive reply from the group. Jeff simply said that we are planning to do this same format that we did last year – and that we will follow up in early June with more details as to what days and times there will be available from which to choose when they would like to come. Needless to say we were encouraged by the quick responses. Please be in prayer with us that the Lord will abundantly bless us in ministering to these folks – and bring glory to His Name!

These uncertain times are rife with oppressive inflation and difficult adverse circumstances. The enemy is very active in our world – as I am sure you all well know. We need much prayerful support! Thank you – one and all – for your continuing to stand with us in seeking the Almighty Arm and provision of our Lord God – in His leading us forward in our evangelistic endeavors! Our God is still in control – and He continues to make His divine presence to be realized among us. This is what comforts us and motivates us – to keep on keeping on – in preaching His Word! We thank and praise Him for you! We love and we pray for you, too!

We still have considerable work to do in preparing the campground. All the rain has not given us much of a chance to get ahead of a lot of the things that we need to do. Please pray that we can accomplish these tasks and be ready to meet all the challenges of effectually communicating –

the Word of the Truth of the Gospel”. [Col.1:5]


In Preparation For Our Upcoming Season

In Preparation For Our Upcoming Season

Well dear ones, we are presently preparing to once again reach out to the families and care providers of the children for them to choose a day to come out to Del-Haven and experience all that goes on throughout a whole week of camp. They can fish – swim – do crafts – enjoy the playground – hike the camp paths – and of course have a Bible Study Time. This is where we will be able to present the gospel unto the whole family. Some interesting and – it is believed – profitable discussions have been experienced through this added camp ministry reality. Please pray with us that our Lord will use this to reach both the adults and the children.

Please remember that we are still seeking from the Lord those that we can train and use to rebuild our staff — with spiritually awakened and quickened male and female servants of the Lord — to fill positions of cabin and camp program leaders for regular camp weeks. A camp season would begin in mid June and run till early August. A camp week would start on Monday noon and end around 1pm Thursday. This would be every week – except the week where July 4th would fall. We have had such good feedback in regards to our Family Camp excursions that the regular camp season may contain a few of those as well. Please be in prayer for us in this regards.

The economy that we are in has been an added trial – to say the least! Thank you all so much that have continued to support us financially (as well as with your prayers). You have been a real answer to our prayers.

Don’t forget that beginning with April 6th – and every weekend – we have a tradition of Saturday Work Days. This is when we get the campground cleaned up and set up for the activities of whatever is on the schedule. If you or a group from your church would like to help us out – please give us a call at 816-425-0460.

We love you all – and we pray for God’s blessing upon you.


“So shall my Word be that goeth forth out of my mouth:
it shall not return unto me void,
but it shall accomplish that which I please,
and it shall prosper
in the thing whereto I sent it.”

Rising Up To Serve The Lord At Del-Haven

Rising Up To Serve The Lord At Del-Haven

(Shown above, a recent February sunrise over the Camp Del-Haven dining hall.)

“My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord, in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee and will look up.” [Ps.5:3] “As for me, I will call upon God, and the Lord will save me! (17) Evening and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud, and He shall hear my voice.” [Ps.55:16-17]

Well dear ones, already the days seem to be getting longer – and a little warmer…at least warmer than the frigid cold we have recently had to endure. What is right upon us as camp season is concerned – is our intention of contacting our camper families to see about scheduling them for a day of Family Camp Activities. Please be in prayer with us in this regard – that we will get a good reception. There were many great times that we had last year – with encouraging responses from the children and their parents and care providers.

We are still seeking the Savior to send us male and female staff help. What we are asking for is for truly awakened and quickened folks to fill the bill of being cabin and camp leaders – so that, Lord willing, we can resume having boys and girls camp weeks like we had before. Let us keep this matter before our Lord – in accordance with His sovereign will and good pleasure.

Dear family in the Lord, please include Jeff Hall, our longtime camp assistant, in your prayers. He has been having pains in his chest, and after seeing a heart specialist – he has been prescribed some mild medication – as well as put on a schedule for further tests. Jeff will be 57 on his next birthday. Please pray that the Lord continues to strengthen and sustain our dear Brother Jeff!

Also, as a “heads up” to our supporters – our traditional first Work Day is coming up. It will be the first Saturday in April. We do have quite a bit of outside campground work to do if any of you – or a group from your church – feel like lending us a hand. Our camp number is (816) 425-0460.

Thank you all for continuing to pray and financially-support our efforts in presenting the pure Word of the truth of the gospel of the glory – only – of the Lord Jesus Christ. We love you – and pray for you. John Carpenter


Sounding The Bell To Fill Our Staffing Needs

Sounding The Bell To Fill Our Staffing Needs

Well, dear friends and family in Christ – as we continue to seek the Savior for the staff that we need to fill the positions of cabin and camp program leaders for our summer camp season – we must not lose heart and become faint. I truly hope that you also are in league with us in searching for – and from – the Lord in this regard. It may very well be the hardest thing for us — whom He has from His “Word of the truth of the gospel” – awakened and quickened – regenerated by the Holy Spirit – to have to simply stand and wait for His leading and provision. Our sovereign Savior is still the One who sits in His all governing control over all things that are presently happening in our circumstances. And, He tells us to trust Him – and Him alone – through all of our walk through the desolate wilderness of this present world. He has not left us to fend for ourselves.

From Jn.14:18 Jesus has told us: “I will not leave you comfortless (or, more lit. “I will not leave you as orphans”) I will come to you”! His Word of Truth tells us plainly from Jer.29:12-14a: “Then shall ye call upon me – and ye shall go and pray unto me – and I will hearken unto you. (13) And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. (14) And I will be found of you – saith the Lord.

Do you see something out of the ordinary concerning what the Lord tells us about ourselves in the context of what is written here in Jer. 29? Is any sinner in this fallen-in-sin world a true seeker after God? No – not really. Look what God says about all of us in Ps.14:1-2: “The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men to see if there were any that did understand – and seek after God. (3) They are all gone aside. They are all together become filthy. There is none that doeth good – no – not one!” This same sentiment – this same divine diatribe concerning fallen human depravity — is repeated by the Holy Spirit from Ro.3:11: “There is none that understandeth – there is none that seeketh after God.”

So, what are we to conclude? Scripture interprets scripture…and the Lord Jesus tells us from Jn.15:5, “For without ME – you can do nothing!” Therefore, in the Light of the Truth of His own Word – we can conclusively believe and expect – that the Will of the Lord – will unfold exactly according to that which He has sovereignly willed to take place! Praise His all knowing – His all present – His all powerful – and His all Holy Person and Eternally Accomplished Work! So, let us unite in the Faith of Jesus Christ and lay hold to that which the Lord, Himself, tells us about Himself – that when we call out to Him – and go and pray unto Him – we can expect that His Will – will be accomplished – all for His Glory! We love you – and thank the Lord for you – and we pray for you!


“And an highway shall be there, and a way,
and it shall be called the Way of Holiness!
The unclean shall not pass over it – but it shall be for those.
The wayfaring men – though fools – shall not err therein. No lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast shall go up thereon – it shall not be found there –
but the Kinsman Redeemed shall walk there.
And the ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with songs and
everlasting Joy and Gladness –and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.”


Resting In Christ During Changing Times

Resting In Christ During Changing Times

Well, dear ones, it is once again November – the next to the last month of another year. When people say, “The timesthey are a’changing” – that seems to mean – especially for God’s true believers: “The times in this fallen world continue to manifest more and more oppressive trials and troubles – as this fallen-in-sin world continues to pass away — right before our very eyes.”

This is why through it all – we must keep our hearts and our minds and our eyes upon Christ our God. Heis our Peace (see: Eph.4:17). Jn.14:27 is where the Lord Jesus tells us: Peace I leave with you, my Peace I give unto younot as the world giveth, give I unto you. Then He goes on and says: Let not your heart be troubledneither let it be afraid.Two chapters later, He says from Jn.16:33: These things I have spoken unto youthat in me ye might have Peace. In the world (in the lost and fallen-in-sin world) ye shall have tribulationbut be of good cheerI have overcome the world.Praise His Name!

Oh, dear family in Christ – do not look – or focus – i.e. judge things in this world according to how they appear to be – but judge – or discern the things that happen in this world according to to God’s righteous and trustworthy and sovereign control. Rest in Him! He never has – and He never will – let His children down! And they that know Him – know that this is the truth!



Within this context of the changing times, please continue to be in prayer for Del-Haven as we seek His leading – His Great Shepherding of this – His ministry – in fulfilling the provision of a truly quickened and spiritually awakened staff to be effectually used by His Holy Spirit as both cabin and camp program leaders. Bottom line – we need male and female bond-servants of the Lord who have been born from above by the Spirit and the Word – and who love the Lord and His Pure Gospel Truth.

This is the character qualifications – this – along with a genuine love for the souls of children. We need this in order to be able to conduct our typical daily camp activities. Please – Seek the Lord in prayer with us for His filling of this great need. We thank you in advance for doing so.

We love you and thank you for your continued prayerful support. Go through our website and remind yourselves of our camp history — both recent and over the years from our past seven decades. See and read and remember what the Lord has done through and with Del-Haven in the lives of children – and, most of all – we pray that you, too, will be spiritually moved to pray with us – and for us – unto the glory, only, of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We thank our Lord for you. We love you…and we love hearing from you!


Hear the Word of the Lord, O ye nations – and declare it in the

isles afar off – and say: He that scattered Israel will gather him

and will keep him – as a Shepherd doth His flock.

For the Lord hath redeemed Jacob

and ransomed him (as His Kinsman Redeemer)

from the hand of him that was stronger than he.” [Jer.31:10-11]