The Praise Of His Eternally Saved Ones

The Praise Of His Eternally Saved Ones

Praise ye the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul! (2) While I live — will I praise the Lord – I will sing praises unto my God — while I have my being. (3)Put not your trust in princes – nor in the son of man — in whom there is no help. (4) His breath goeth forth — he returneth to his earth (or, dust). In that very day his thoughts perish. (5) Happy (or, Blessed) is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help – whose hope is in the Lord his God! (6) Which made heaven – and earth – the sea – and all that therein is; which keepeth Truth for ever! (7) Which executeth judgment for the oppressed – which giveth food to the hungry. The Lord looseth the prisoners (of Satan, Sin and the World)! (8) The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind – the Lord raiseth them that are bowed down – the Lord loveth the righteous (9) the Lord preserveth the strangers — He relieveth the fatherless and widow – but the way of the wickedHe turneth upside down! (10) The Lord shall reign for ever – even thy God, O Zion, unto all generations! Praise ye the Lord!” [Ps.146]

This Psalm speaks to – and about – all the individuals who have trusted in the eternal person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ – as being their own personal Savior and God – even while they are still in this fallen world of sin, death and Satanic adversity. This is a Psalm of very great encouragement unto – especially – them!

If you are among the eternally saved – by the Lord – Rejoice! And shout, “Hallelujah!” That’s the Word that means: “Praise the Lord”! This Psalm begins and ends with this word.

If you’re not sure that you are – right now – another one that is among those who know that they are one of God’s saved ones – by the Lord Jesus Christ (see: 1Jn.5:11-13) then call out to Him (see: Rom.10:13-17) and beg Him to let you know that you – indeed – are one of His saved ones. Rom.8:16 – which is in God’s very Word, tells us that His Spirit bears witness – or communicates with our spirit – that we are – indeed — His saved-by-grace sinner/children! And, that means that we are “heirs of God and joint-heirs” with Christ (our eternal Savior). So, if you’re not sure you’re one of His – call out to Him – to let you know – and believe – and understand that you truly are!!

This Psalm describes the sovereignty of the Lord Jesus Christ – and how He reigns over all the sinner/children that God the Father has given unto Him – to save! Put your trust in Him – and not in anyone or anything else. He will manifest Himself unto you in your present circumstances and He will rescue you from Satan – sin – this adverse world, et. al. And He will guide your steps all the way – from here – unto where you know that you really want to someday go – Heaven!

And, take note of what is underlined in verse 9> The way of the wickedHe turneth upside down!” This is especially comforting when you consider and understand our present adverse reality of being under our present government! Even — it – is ultimately under the Lord’s sovereign control. Yes, in spite of these present trials – everything that is declared by God – about God – where we, His children, are concerned – will be realized! Praise His Name!

In short, this Psalm describes the Providence of God for all His saved-by-grace loved ones! [Providence is defined as being: Divine guidance, or care; God conceived power – maintaining and guiding human destiny]. We all have our own individual, personal and peculiar providence while we are living in this world. Yet all who are God’s – all who belong to Him – all who make up the people of His own peculiar possession (1Pe.2:9-10) – who are among all those whom He has planted in this world (see: Mat.13:24-43) – these will all experience the regenerating reality of living here — in a daily walk and relationship with the Lord Jesus that is filled with all the good things of Ps.146:5-9. Hallelujah! Amen. — John Carpenter


Our Knowledge Of The Lord Jesus Christ

Our Knowledge Of The Lord Jesus Christ

(17) “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ – the Father of glory – may give you the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation – in the Knowledge of Him: (18) the eyes of your understanding being enlightened – that ye may know what is the Hope of His calling – and what (are) the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints; (19) And what is the exceeding greatness of His Power to us—ward – who Believeaccording to the working of His Power – (20) which He wrought in Christ – when He raised Him from the dead – and set Him at His own right hand – in the heavenly places(!);(21) Far above all principality and power and might and dominion – and every name that is named, not only in this world – but also in that which is to come(!): (22) And hath put all things under His feet – and gave Him to be the Head over all things to the Church – (23) Which is His body – the fulness of Him – that filleth all in all!” [Eph.1:17-23]

This is the capstone text to what was presented last month titled as – “Celebrating Our Lord’s Resurrection”. The context of this very section of holy scripture is what the apostle Paul declares as being that which – he specifically prays for – where the Ephesian believers are concerned. Paul supplicates God – the Father of glory – to graciously give unto them – the Holy Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in (lit.) the Full Knowledgeof the Lord Jesus Christ! (see: 1Ti.2:3-4) Who has quickened and opened the eyes of their spiritual understanding – enlightening them to know what is the Hope of His Holy calling into their eternal salvation! All of this constitutes – the riches of the glory of His inheritance of grace in all of His saints. Praise His Name! And this – he is inspired to declare – is the exceeding greatness of His Power unto all of us – who truly and genuinely – Savingly Believe in Him!

In fact, what is revealed here is also – the profound truth that –  it is He who owns and bestows upon all His eternally saved onesthe Power to Repent and Believe on Christ! Repenting and Believing on our Lord Jesus Christ – is Not an exercise that we are capable of performing! No! That, too, all comes from God – alone! And, this wonderful text declares it to have all been completely worked out by God – for us – when – by the glory of God the Father – He raised up Christ Jesus from among the dead! (see: Ro.6:4) The same Omnipotent Power – that God the Father wrought upon His Son – our Substitute/Savior – when He gloriously raised Him up from being among the dead – and set Him at His own right hand in heavenly places – that same almighty Power – is what He blesses us with – in order to cause us to truly Believe in His Savior Son – so as to be Eternally Saved-by-His grace! All praise unto the wonderful Word of His Grace!

This is why the apostle Paul was inspired to write unto the Galatians – in Ga.2:16 – these words: knowing that a man is not justified (lit.) out of performingthe works of the lawbut through the Faith of Jesus Christeven we (the apostles) have believed into Jesus Christthat we might be justifiedout of the faith of Christand not out of the works of the law…”!

Hence – does Paul go on to inspiringly explain in no uncertain terms – what he says from vs.20:

I have been crucifiedwith Christnevertheless I live (here again, is a reference to the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus) yet not Ibut Christliveth in me: and the life which I now live in the fleshI live (lit.) In the faith of the Son of Godwho loved me and gave Himself for me!”

Gal.3:26 dogmatically declares: For ye are all the children of God (lit.) through faith in Christ Jesus!” Let us praise and glorify Him…Forever!!

— John Carpenter


In Celebration Of Our Lord’s Resurrection

In Celebration Of Our Lord’s Resurrection

In the beginning was the Wordand the Word was with Godand the Word was God. (2) The same was in the beginning with God.” “And the Word was made flesh – and dwelt among us – and we beheld His glory – the glory as of the only begotten of the Father – full of grace and Truth.” [Jn.1:1-2, 14]


“…whose names were not written — in the Book of the Life of the Lambslainfrom the foundation of the world. (9) If any man have an earlet him hear.” [Rev.13:8-9]


“And being fully persuadedthat what He had promisedHewas able also to perform. (22) And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. (23) Nowit ws not written for his sake alonethat it was imputed to him, (24) but for us alsoto whom it was imputedif we believe on Him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; (25) whowas delivered for our offencesand was raised againfor our Justification.” [Rom.4:21-25]


(Lit.) Having been justifiedtherefore, – by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: (2) by whom also – we have access by faith – into this grace wherein we stand – and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.” [Rom.5:1-2]


Thereforewe are buried with Himby baptism into death: – that like as Christ was raised up from the deadby the glory of the Fathereven so we also should walk in newness of life. (5) For if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection…” [Ro.6:4-5]


(17) “But God be thanked, – that ye were the servants of sinbut ye have obeyed from the heartthat form of doctrine – (lit.) unto whichye were delivered! (18) Being then made free from sinye becamethe servants of righteousness!” [Ro.6: 17-18]


(20) “For when ye were servants of sinye werefree from righteousness!” [Ro.6:20]


(22) “But nowbeing made free from sinand become servants to Godye have your fruit unto holiness, and the endeverlasting life! (23) For the wages of sin is death – but the gift of Godis eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” [Ro.6:22-23]

The resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is a divine event that is to be celebrated by all the truly born from above sinner/children in this present passing away world! The above 8 contexts serve to draw a picture why this is true. First of all – He who is the Living Word of God was purposed from eternity – in His incarnation – to come into this world – to be the Savior and Substitute of all of His people. And, second, the names of each one of these – His saved ones – are written the Book of the Life of the Lamb slain from the Foundation of the World”.

The third context refers to what the Word of God says concerning Abraham – unto whom our Lord promised that through him — the example that He was going to make of him — He was going to bless all the families of the earth! He did not tell Abraham that all the persons of all the families – but, at least one of all the families — will be included among all the sinners who have been Saved by Grace! What an incredible promise! [see: Gen.12:3]. Only God Almighty, could possibly purpose and perform such a promise as this! Hence, the resurrection of Christ is very aptly alluded to – as well as all of His Seed – who are the children of the Kingdom of God [see: Mt.13:37-38].

This leads quite naturally into the fourth context. The final words of the third context having declared unto us that the Lord Jesus was raised again – specifically — for our Justification. This sets up nicely the literal wording of Rom.5:1-2 – which actually says: Having been Justifiedthereforeby faith we have Peace with Godthrough our Lord Jesus Christ.” Which naturally leads us into the wonderful truth of vs.2 – which describes our rejoicing — of the sovereign grace in which we stand!

In the fifth context we come into the sixth chapter of Romans. Whereupon we are rightly identified with Christ – our Sovereign Substitute and Savior – in His death and resurrection! What’s so special about the context of Rom.6:4-5 – is the truth that the Son of God – upon whom all the sins of all whom the Father had given unto Him to save – put Him into hell fire on the cross – and it was eternally covenanted that the glory of the Father would bring to factual reality – the resurrection of His Beloved Son – in whom He was well pleased! And, vs.5 of this fifth context (five being the Biblical number of Grace) declares of us – If we have been planted together in the likeness of His deathwe shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection.” Praise His name!

The sixth context describes: That only God is to be thanked – the we whom He has chosen to save were bond slaves (servants) of our sin – but by grace we have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine (known to be the Word of the Truth of the Gospel) – lit. – unto which we were delivered!

This is the way the Word of God literally says it! And, this is how – by God’s grace – we are converted into becoming bondslaves of His righteousness over against being nothing but bondslaves to our sin. Again, praise the Lord!

The seventh context simply says the truth – For when we were bondslaves of sinwe were free from righteousness.” Remember, without Christ – there is none righteous – no not one! [see: Ro.3:10].

Finally, the eighth context brings to completion the wonderful work of the Grace of God on our behalf when it declares from Rom.6:22-23 the truth of the matter that says: But nowbeing made free from sinand become bondslaves to Godye have your fruit unto holiness and the endever-lasting life! For the wages of sin is deathbut the free gift of Godis eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Praise the Savior!!

— John Carpenter



In The Presence And Power Of The Lord

In The Presence And Power Of The Lord

“And therefore will the Lord wait – that He may be gracious unto you – and therefore will He be exalted – that He may have mercy upon you! For the Lord is a God of Judgment. Blessed are all they that – Wait For Him!” [Is.30:18]

It should be noted that the literal context surrounding Isaiah’s Holy Spirit inspired guiding and writing of this great text — was the wanton idolatry that had overtaken the nation of Judah. If you recall, from chapter 6 of Isaiah – we see the divine call and the divine commission of him to be God’s prophet. The one whom He chose to declare – or bear testimony unto Israel – whatsoever God dictated for him to say to them. This account is found in Is.6:8-10: “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: ‘Whom shall I send – and who will go for us?’ Then said I – here am I – send me!” (9) And He said, ‘Go and tell this people – hear ye indeed – but understand not – and see ye indeed – but perceive not. (10) And He said; – ‘Make the heart of this people fat – and make their ears heavy – and shut their eyes – lest they see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart – and convert and be healed.”

Because the Lord revealed Himself and spoke unto Isaiah – he was more than willing to go unto a world of people that were not inclined to receive him – or even hear what he had to say about God unto them! Hence, as God’s prophet unto Israel and Judah – the Lord commanded Isaiah to declare unto them a prophetic Woe! (see Is.30:1 “Woe to the rebellious children, saith the Lord, that take counsel, but not from me – and that cover with a covering – but not of my Spirit – that they may add sin to sin:”) The pronouncement of this “Woe” from God – is a divine indication of most unfavorable judgment from God upon them. Judgment which Judah had witnessed as having been put upon the ten tribes of Israel for their having “…feared other gods – and walked in the statutes of the heathen – whom the Lord cast out from before the children of Israel…”. (see: 2Ki.17:7-12) And now Judah is following the same course of apostasy! Nevertheless, our Savior God is still faithful unto His true chosen sinner/children in this same fallen-in-sin world.

And this is not at all unlike our present day and time in the world around us! This is why we — unto whom the Holy Spirit has witnessed and assured unto us – that we are indeed one of His true children (see: Ro.8:16-17). We – must always be busy seeking the presence and the power of the only Savior that there is – even the Lord Jesus Christwithout whomwecan do nothing (see Jn.15:5). This Truth is what the Lord God had commissioned Isaiah to communicate unto – both – the nation of the ten tribes (that called themselves Israel) and of the nation of Judah as well. God means what He says! Make no mistake about that! He does not tolerate idolatry and “He which hath begun a good work in you – will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ”! (Phil.1:6)

This is why Is.30:18 is so relevant unto us – even today. It declares unto us the perfect timing of the Lord over us – in all of our personal adversities and afflictions (which this world seems to be full of). Is.30:19-21 substantiates this divine Truth. It is a comfort to realize the faithfulness of our Lord as is declared in the 19th verse: “For the people shall dwell in Zion at Jerusalem – thou shalt weep no more. He will be very gracious unto thee – at the voice of thy cry – when He shall hear it – He will answer thee.” Praise the Name of the Lord!

Let us never cease from prayerfully seeking our Lord God – who is absolutely sovereign over our whole existence — in our journey through this world. Amen.

Waiting On The Lord Through Prayer

Waiting On The Lord Through Prayer

And therefore will the Lord waitthat He may be gracious unto youand therefore will He be exaltedthat He may have mercy upon you! For the Lord is a God of Judgment. Blessed are all theythat Wait For Him!” [Is.30:18]


For the vision is yet for an appointed timebut at the endit shall speak and not lie. Though it tarry; – WAIT for itbecause it will surely come! It will not tarry!” [Hab.2:3]

These texts of holy scripture should communicate much encouragement to every true child of God’s eternal family in this present sinful world! Whenever the enabling Grace of Christ – the only Savior that there is – causes His saved ones in this world to earnestly and persistently seek Him for a much needed supplication – whether it be seemingly small or obviously great – He, Himself, also, will burden His child to earnestly pray for what they so desperately need! It is then – at this time – that He will communicate the bottom line message of both of these texts unto their Regenerated hearts and souls.

Take note of how the prophecy of Habakkuk begins – 1:2 O Lord, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! Even cry out unto thee of violenceand thou wilt not save! (3) Why dost thou show me iniquityand cause me to behold grievance?…” This (iniquity and violence) was the sad state and condition of things in and among the Nation of Judah! Therefore, the Lord – through the minor prophet – boldly declared unto Judah: Behold ye among the heathenand regard (or, diligently consider) – and wonder marvelously! For I will work a work in your days(lit.) ye will not believethough it be told you.” This verse, the apostle Paul – in his day and time – quoted unto the Jews and Gentiles in the synagogue in Antioch on the Sabbath. You can read about this from Acts 13:14-52. The reason why Paul quoted this same text unto the Jews of the first century — which was Holy Spirit inspired through Habakkuk (a contemporary of Jeremiah) in 626BC – is because the Jews of the first century AD had become equally as idolatrous as their predecessors! The only difference was that – their idols were not exactly the same. Nevertheless, idolatry is idolatry – no matter what generation it happens to be -– and God judges and condemns it! With the Lord God, it is a damnable sin to fear and to follow anyone or anything except Him and Him alone.

Isaiah, who preceded Habakkuk, accurately prophesied what was taking place in both Habakkuk’s and Paul’s time (and as well in our own time)! This is what made Habakkuk relevant to Paul – hence, he quotes Hab.1:5 in his message in Acts 13:41. All of the Bible is completely and contemporarily relevant unto all of us, at all times! The Spirit of God bears witness to our spirits that this is the Truth! Otherwise, why was Paul also inspired to write Ro.15:4-6> For whatsoever things were written aforetimewere written for our learningthat we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. (5) Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: (6) that ye may with one mind and one mouthglorify Godeven the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Therefore, when we read Is.30:18, we can rest assured that it is absolutely relevant to us even in our earnest praying and seeking the Lord God for the earnest supplication(s) of our hearts! Indeed, the context of Is.30:18 has much relevant considerations for us to wisely take note of – for our learning. For our learning to truly seek Him – and to wait for Him – to unfold His grace unto our hearts and our circumstances. Lord willing: we will address this in a future missive.— John Carpenter


His Excellent Example Leads Our Way

His Excellent Example Leads Our Way

And He spake a parable unto them – that men ought always to pray, and not to faint. (2) Saying: ‘There was in a city — a judge – that feared not God – neither regarded man. (3) And there was a widow in that city – and she came to him, saying: Avenge me of mine adversary! (4) And he would not for awhile, but afterward he said within himself: Though I fear not God – nor regard man (5) yet because this widow troubleth me – I will avenge her – lest by her continual coming – she weary me.’ (6) And the Lord said, ‘Hear what the unjust judge saith! (7) And shall not God avenge His own elect – which cry day and night unto Him – though He bear long with them? (8) I tell you that He will avenge them speedily! Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh – shall He find faith on the earth?” [Luke 18:1-8]

The Lord Jesus Christ – the eternal Son of God incarnate – is our eternal Savior. We have been eternally saved — according to the perfectly performed merits of His obedient righteousness; and the eternal efficacy of His sin-atoning shed blood; and the omnipotent power of His sovereign Grace! As being our great Savior – He was, is and always will be – in all things – our excellent example.   Although He is much more than just our example – and always will be – we who are truly His chosen sinner/children – will – by His grace seek to pattern our lives after Him.

1st Peter 2:21-24 plainly says: For even hereunto were ye calledbecause Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps. (22) Who did no sinneither was guile found in His mouth. (23) Who, when He was reviledreviled not againwhen He sufferedHe threatened notbut committed Himself to Him that judgeth righteously. (24) Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the treethat webeing dead to sins, should live unto righteousnessby whose stripes ye were healed! (25) For ye were as sheep going astraybut are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.”

From Jn.13:15, Jesus says: I have given you an examplethat ye should do as I have done…” Jesus shows us by example how to walk according to His faith through this sinful, fallen and passing away world. He shows by example what it means to truly love – both – Him and one another. And, He demonstrates for us how to suffer patiently by committing ourselves to the sovereign care of our heavenly Father! He shows us that just by living in this world of trial and adversity – walking by His faith and believing in Him – we are, in fact, serving Him by being reflections of Him!

In the matter of prayer, for instance, our Lord is an absolutely exemplary example for us to imitate. From His Word, He tells us to continue in prayer [Col.4:2] and pray without ceasing[1Th.5:17], which surely means that He has willed for us to do just as He has done! As such, this Godly activity of prayer, along with many other disciplines, is a living example of a true close relationship with Christ!

And, when you think about it – if ever there was a man who might not have a need to prayit would be the God/man! After all – He did no sin. He knew no sin. He had no sin. But, it was He who became sin for all those for whom He died! He had a Holy Soul! The lusts of the flesh that in this world always wage war against all the fallen-in-sin souls of God’s chosen sinner/children – absolutely could not even come close to subduing the Holy Soul of our Savior! That ever constant daily battle was bravely fought by Him — and through His faith in the Word of His heavenly Father – He was overwhelmingly victorious over sin! And, through Himso are we!